Enron Mail

Subject:Send gifts to everyone on your list!
Date:Tue, 11 Dec 2001 10:26:00 -0800 (PST)

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c; line-height: normal; font-weight: normal; color: #000000; text-decoratio=
n: none} [IMAGE] [IMAGE] For Her For Him For Kids For Friends =
For Business For Her For Him For Kids For Friends For Business =
Dear Larry, It's not too late to send something great! The holidays are=
about to come knocking on your door along with friends and family, so vis=
it our Holiday Gift Center to find heartwarming gifts for everyone on yo=
ur list. Whether you are shopping for her, him, friends, office buddies, o=
r all the little angels in your life, we have something for everyone! =
You can make a personal holiday connection and still stay within your holi=
day budget. Visit our Under $35 Holiday Collection to find gifts that de=
liver the perfect amount of holiday charm. Have a great holiday! From y=
our friends at 1-800-FLOWERS.COM
Call 1-800-FLOWERS
(1-800-356-9377), Click (www.1800flowers.com) or Come in! AOL Keyword: 18=
00flowers P.S. Don't forget that you can redeem your 25%discount on purcha=
ses of $49.99 or more*through December 31, 2001with promotion code RE2. =
Offer valid through 12/31/01. This email was sent to LCAMPBEL@ENRON.COM =
Register Now Electronic Greetings Gift Certificates Member Benefit=
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tor =09