Enron Mail

Subject:Solicitation for the position of Vice-Chairperson of the NYISO
Date:Thu, 20 Sep 2001 12:43:00 -0700 (PDT)

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MRyanTaber@nyiso.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

Solicitation of Credentials from Candidates
for the position of Vice-Chairperson of the NYISO Operating Committee
for a one-year term from December 2001 ? November 2002

The Nominating Committee of the NYISO Operating Committee is seeking
qualified individuals willing to serve as Vice-Chairperson of the
The scope of responsibilities of the Operating Committee can be found
in Article 8 of the ISO Agreement. As specified in the Agreement, the
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will serve a one-year term, and the
Vice-Chairperson will become the Chairperson following the completion of
the Chairperson's term. The Agreement further specifies that the
individuals elected to these positions may not be active in the same sector
as the Chair of their Committee, nor may they be representatives of members
that occupy the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson positions of the Business
Issues Committee or Management Committee.
These provisions, at this time, preclude representatives of the
following companies or their affiliates and representatives from the
following sector from consideration for Vice-Chairperson for the upcoming
? Transmission Owners
? Niagara Mohawk
? Con Ed Solutions
? New York Power Authority

The Nominating Committee will review the credentials of the presenting
candidates and may screen the pool. However, the Nominating Committee is
required (pursuant to the OC By-Laws) to bring at least one qualified
candidate before the Operating Committee for election.
Therefore, the Nominating Committee requests that interested
individuals, who are not representatives of the members or sectors listed
above, to present the following material by 5:00 pm, October 4, 2001.

? A current resume
? Brief answers to the following questions:
1. Please describe all experience you have had in chairing groups or
committees of diverse interests, with a list of such groups.
2. Please describe the support of your organization for your assuming the
position of Vice-Chairperson, and describe your ability to make the
necessary time commitment.
3. Please describe any training or experience you have had in mediation,
ADR or consensus building.
4. Please describe briefly why you would like to have this job.
5. Please describe briefly your organizations actual and/or potential
business interests in the Northeast and New York State, including the
sector in which your organization participates for purposes of NYISO

Please send this information by electronic mail to:
Mollie Lampi, NYISO, (tel) 518-356-7530, (e-mail) mlampi@nyiso.com and
Ernie Cardone, NYISO, (tel) 518 ? 356- 6133, (email)