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Subject:Special Edition: STTN-This company could make you rich!
Date:Tue, 13 Nov 2001 16:28:24 -0800 (PST)

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SPECIAL ALERT: Sutton Trading Solutions, Inc (OTC BB: STTN) November =
2001 [IMAGE] REASONS TO BUY STTN [IMAGE] 1. The Direct Access indus=
try is filled with takeovers. Charles Schwab purchased Cybercorp for $488 =
million, Instinet purchased ProTrader for $150 million, and Ameritrade pu=
rchased TradeCast for $70 million, and TD Waterhouse acquired RJT. 2. STT=
N provides a 100% Turn-Key solution to brokerage firms and banks comprisi=
ng of Software, quotes, trade executions on world markets, website design =
and hosting, and customer support. 3. STTN earns revenue on Transaction F=
ees, Per User Fees, License Fees, Multi-year contracts, Software developme=
nt on a per-hire basis, and Revenue sharing agreements. 4. Key Benefits o=
f STTN?s ASP model include reduction of IT development and maintenance cos=
ts, integrated Global Platform, settlement and brokerage solutions, and va=
lue added services such as research, education, and personal finance mana=
gement tools. 5. By 2005, financial institutions are expected to have spen=
t $11 billion to update their online brokerage technologies, according to=
Celent Communications. The various solutions that Sutton have developed a=
llows firms to save capital on their infrastructure and IT overhead, while=
paying on a per usage basis to Sutton Online. SYMBOL: STTN SHARES O=
UTSTANDING: 20mm FLOAT (est.): 4mm 52 WEEK HIGH/LOW: 7.00 - .20 SHORT T=
ERM PRICE PROJ.: $11.50 12 MONTH PRICE PROJ.: $18.50 [IMAGE] 6. STTN =
has licensing agreements and Strategic Relationships in the USA, UK, Spain=
, Brazil, Belgium, Venezuela, Russia, Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, France=
and Switzerland. 7. Announced a marketing agreement with Archipelago, th=
e world?s first totally open, fully electronic stock market for NYSE, AME=
X, and NASDAQ securities 8. GlobalDAT, STTN?s flagship product, is the wor=
lds first Global Direct Access software program. GlobalDAT is a unique pr=
oprietary technology that connects major European and American Stock Excha=
nges and ECN's through one user interface for online trading. 9. IDC esti=
mates that Online Brokerage revenue will exceed $5.4 Trillion by 2005. 10.=
Well respected Management team with over 20 years experience in Software=
development, Sales, and Brokerage skills. [IMAGE] INVESTMENT SUMMARY =
Over the last several years? online brokerage firms, on technology and =
infrastructure, have invested a lot of money. Several companies have found=
it cheaper to BUY other companies then spend the time and money developin=
g their own technology and infrastructure. We believe STTN?s story will g=
et a lot of attention in the investment community in the coming months, as=
the stock market continues to move upward. STTN is a brand-new publicly t=
rading company via a reverse/merger with Ikon Ventures, Inc.(IKNV). When =
we consider STTN, we must understand the business model and huge potential=
in the Company?s valuation. Sutton Trading Solutions Inc. ? Sutton Online=
Trading Solutions is an ASP (Application Service Provider) offering turnk=
ey online trading solutions for domestic and foreign firms. With complete =
front-end software, trade routing and back-office management applications,=
Sutton Online has become a recognized destination for small, medium and =
large brokerages seeking an easy and cost effective entr?e to the Direct A=
ccess trading industry. Sutton Online has developed a true niche, a specia=
l synergy combining state-of-the-art technology (Level 1 and Level II trad=
ing via SONIC 2000? and GlobalDAT?), brokerage and clearing arrangements,=
and high quality services including website design and hosting and Custom=
er Service to allow both US and Foreign brokerages to offer Online Trading=
to their clients. Sutton Online, Inc. currently has Service Bureau custom=
ers in Bahrain, Russia, The Czech Repbulic, Brussels, Madrid, Brazil, Peru=
, France, Bulgaria, and The United States. Sutton Online has received Serv=
ice Bureau Status from ECN?s (Electronic Communication Network) as well a=
s the NASDAQ to provide related services. Sutton Trading Solutions, Inc. a=
lso operates Sutton Data Services in Prague, Czech Republic. This wholly o=
wned subsidiary specializes in the development and implementation of custo=
m financial banking and brokerage applications for both front and back end=
users.. Online trading is the fastest growing segment of the brokerage=
industry and is expected to continue to grow significantly. IDC estimates=
that Online Brokerage revenue will exceed $5.4 Trillion by 2005. The evo=
lution of the Internet has fundamentally changed the way in which many inv=
estors manage their financial affairs. The speed, convenience, choice, cos=
t savings and information offered by the Internet as an investment tool ha=
s increasingly driven investor assets online. The growth of discount broke=
rage firms and the increasing utilization of the Internet to access a wide=
range of financial services underscore a fundamental shift in market demo=
graphics. This shift has altered the way consumers manage their personal f=
inancial assets. Based on industry research reports and the rapid consumer=
acceptance of online transactions, consumers are increasingly taking dir=
ect control over their personal financial affairs, not only because they a=
re now able to do so, but also because they find it more convenient and le=
ss expensive than relying on financial intermediaries. KEY PRODUCTS =
GlobalDAT? Global Direct Access Trading; GlobalDAT? is a unique propiet=
ary technology that connects major European and American Stock Exchanges =
and ECN?s through one user interface for share dealing. GlobalDAT??s open =
architecture FIX interface provides the ability to add markets and exchang=
es on demand. Each user has the ability to view price quotes(Level 1and 2)=
, route orders via Market Makersand direct connections to ECN?s and Exchan=
ges, view order statu, P&L, cash flow, all coupled with dynamic charting a=
nd account management and IN REAL-TIME, while providing the user Front- En=
d enviroment in their native language. Sonic 2000? a US based Direct Ac=
cess Application. SONIC 2000??s platfom offers trade executions to over 40=
0 Market Makers and 9 ECN?s with dedicated connections to The Island ECN, =
Archipelago, NASDAQ, NYSE via SuperDot, and Knight Trimark. Real time data=
is provided by Hyperfeed. VALUATION In our opinion, as the story =
unfolds, and the investment community becomes aware of STTN?s HUGE upside =
potential as an attractive " Emerging Growth Company". With STTN trading =
today at around $3.00 per share, based on STTN?s projections, we believe t=
hat by fiscal year 2002, STTN will earn $ 8 Million Dollars on $ 32 Millio=
n in gross revenues, or $0.38 cents per share. Applying a conservative mul=
tiple of 30 times earnings (less then STTN?s estimated growth rate), STTN =
should be valued at $11.50 per share near term. Looking out to fiscal yea=
r 2003 (which Wall Street Analysts are currently doing) STTN projects $0.6=
1 cents per share in earnings, using the same price earnings multiple of 3=
0, this could peg STTN?s stock at over $18.50 per share over the next 12 m=
onths. At STTN?s current price of around $3.00 per share, STTN appears to =
be extremely undervalued, and potentially has HUGE UPSIDE. SUMMARY =
With lower interest rates, individual investors will seek an alternative =
for better returns. In our opinion, the next time around, individual inve=
stors will seek a more even playing field with the "big boys", in executin=
g their trades. Individual investors are more educated today regarding tra=
de execution and should migrate to a Direct Access Trading platform such a=
n STTN. This should make STTN?s business and STTN?s stock much more valua=
ble in today?s market. [IMAGE] Disclaimer: [IMAGE] Marketwizaralerts =
(MWA) publishes reports providing information on selected companies that =
MWA believes has investment potential. MWA is not a registered investment =
advisor or broker-dealer. This report is provided as an information servic=
e only, and the statements and opinions in this report should not be const=
rued as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. MWA accepts =
no liability for any loss arising from an investor's reliance on or use of=
this report. An investment in STTN is considered to be highly speculative=
and should not be considered unless a person can afford a complete loss o=
f investment. MWA has been hired by a third party consultant, and is cont=
racted to receive 100,000 free trading shares of common stock for the publ=
ication and circulation of this report. MWA intends to sell all or a porti=
on of the of the STTN stock at or about the time of publication of this re=
port. Subsequently MWA may buy or sell shares of STTN stock in the open ma=
rket. This report contains forward-looking statements, which involve risks=
, and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially fro=
m those set forth in the forward-looking statements. For further details c=
oncerning these risks and uncertainties, see the SEC filings of STTN inclu=
ding the company's most recent annual and quarterly reports This is a pai=
d advertisement from MWA. The material contained in this report is being fu=
rnished solely for informational purposes and is part of MWA's efforts in m=
arketing its subscription service. This is not a solicitation for the purch=
ase or sale of securities. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own rese=
arch and due diligence, and/or obtain professional advice, prior to making =
any investment decision. The information contained herein is based on sourc=
es which MWA believes to be reliable, but is not guaranteed to be accurate,=
and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the availabl=
e data. Any opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. The st=
atements and opinions contained herein are not the statements and opinions =
of FreeRealTime.com, and FreeRealTime.com disclaims any liability for or ar=
ising from such statements and opinions. This FRT Special Situation Alert=
has been sent to you courtesy of FreeRealTime.com. To be removed from the =
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