Enron Mail

Subject:Take a sneak peek at Radiohead's new album! Watch a video + free
Date:Wed, 7 Nov 2001 06:50:15 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] RADIOHEAD "Everything in Its Right Place" =
[IMAGE] "True Love Waits" [IMAGE] Here's a tip on the inside =
scoop: RADIOHEAD is poised to release an eight-song LIVE collection on Nov=
ember 13, and you can be one of the first people to experience it! LAUNCH =
is offering a sneak peek at the record just for you "Amnesiacs" out there.=
I Might Be Wrong- Live Recordings features live performances of three so=
ngs from Amnesiac and four from Kid A; plus the previously unreleased (but=
widely bootlegged) tune "True Love Waits." These stunning performances we=
re culled from shows last summer in Oslo, Berlin, Southern France, and the=
band's historic July 7 homecoming show in Oxford's South Park. Don't mi=
ss your chance to get in on the action--jump in and score a free download =
of "True Love Waits," plus watch the video for "Everything in Its Right P=
lace," filmed live in Vaison La Romaine, France! Stay tuned, LAUNCH P.=
S. Don't wait to get your copy of I Might Be Wrong- Live Recordings. Buy=
it today and save! Please unsubscribe here if you prefer not=
to receive future e-mail from LAUNCH Media, Inc. =09