Enron Mail

Subject:Tell Me Where To Send Your 3-Piece Deluxe Radio
Date:Sat, 20 Oct 2001 10:19:19 -0700 (PDT)

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=09[IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE] Dear Friend, If you act in the next 48 hours, you can get al=
l 35 AHA membership benefits FREE for the next thirty days with no oblig=
ation. As a special bonus with this limited-time invitation, the America=
n Homeowners Association will give you a FREE 3-Piece Deluxe Radio Sound S=
ystem . [IMAGE] This compact dual-band AM/FM radio gives you a big sound=
with 2 cloth-covered, detachable speakers. [IMAGE] But it's lightweight,=
portable, and small enough to fit on your desk, kitchen counter, or nights=
tand. Plus it comes complete with precise analog tuning and volume controls=
, LCD time and date, and telescoping antenna for maximum reception in any =
location. Try AHA and experience the benefits for yourself. Our members=
save on repairs, insurance, groceries, special vacation deals, and dozens=
of other member benefits, and get a FREE subscription to HOME Magazine i=
ncluded with your membership! This offer is risk-free. Registration only =
takes a minute and is completely secure. It's that easy. Your satisfaction=
is guaranteed because our credibility is on the line. Don't wait. Act =
now before this offer is gone and get a FREE 3-Piece Deluxe Radio Sound S=
ystem. Click Here Now! Sincerely, Richard Roll Founder and President Am=
erican Homeowners Association (AHA) Stamford, CT P.S.: This offer is on=
ly valid for the next 48 hours, so Act Now! (Offer open to U.S. Residents =
only and credit card customers only. A small $2.95 shipping and handling ch=
arge applies) Accept your trial membership in the AHA in the next 48 hours=
and you will not only help your family, you will also help the families o=
f the September 11th tragedy. AHA will donate a portion of your membership=
fee to the September 11th Fund of the United Way of New York City. A=
MERICA'S #1 HOMEOWNER ORGANIZATION since 1994 Copyright 2001, American Hom=
eowners Association (AHA). All rights reserved. =09=09

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