Enron Mail

Subject:UCAP Translated In-City Cap Applicable to Mitigated Generators:
Date:Fri, 28 Sep 2001 10:52:08 -0700 (PDT)

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ADesell@nyiso.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

As directed by FERC in its September 4, 2001 Order in docket
ER01-2536-000, the NYISO has completed the calculation of the revenue
neutral translation into Unforced Capacity terms of the In-City $105 cap
applicable to Generators subject to market power mitigation measures. In
the September 4, 2001 Order, the Commission decided that the "translated
in-city price cap is to be fixed at an amount determined on the day of the
first in-city capacity auction under UCAP methodology" using data from the
most recent 12-month period. On the basis of Operating Data received by
the NYISO, the Capacity-weighted EFORd for all Generators subject to
market power mitigation measures for the 2001-2002 Winter Capability
Period Auction is 7.04%. Thus, the In-City cap under the UCAP market
design, including the Capability Period Auction scheduled for October 1,
2001, is $112.95.