Enron Mail

Subject:United Way Day of Caring
Date:Wed, 25 Jul 2001 19:19:18 -0700 (PDT)

EWS has been asked to sponsor the Center for the Retarded, for this year's Days of Caring. We need your help to make this effort a success.

What are the Days of Caring?

United Way Days of Caring began in 1992 with 800 volunteers from area corporations. The Days of Caring for the year 2000 grew to over 7,000 participants from the Houston area. During the annual Days of Caring, volunteers put their caring into action by working at agency locations. Donors are able to see for themselves the work done by the agencies, meet those who are served and learn more about how their investment in the United Way impacts our community.

What agency are we sponsoring?

The Center - Serving Persons with Mental Retardation

* Serving Bay Area and Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery and Waller Counties
* Provides opportunities for persons with mental retardation to maximize their potential for independence.
* Services include: adult activity centers, education, community living options, employment and health services.
* For more information, visit the website at: www.cri-usa.org <http://www.cri-usa.org<

How long will I be away from the office?

You have 2 shifts to choose from. We will provide your transportation to and from the location.

The morning shift will start at 8:15 a.m., Friday August 10th, with a kick-off from the Office of the Chair. The bus will then leave at 8:30 a.m. and will drop you in front of The Center. The bus will return you to Enron by 11:30 a.m. where you can grab your complimentary sack lunch from Chick-Fil-a.

The afternoon shift will begin at 1:00 p.m. and last until 4:00 p.m.

The Body Shop has been generous enough to let us use its shower facility for anyone who chooses an outdoor activity.

What will I need to do?

You have the option to sign up for a variety of activities. These activities include Landscaping, Heavy Cleaning, Light Construction, Painting, Arts & Crafts, Playing Bingo, and Hosting a Party (providing baked goods, punch, and snacks).

Will I need to bring any equipment / supplies?

Depending on the activity you choose, you may be asked to provide equipment / supplies. The necessity for supplies may range from construction paper and scissors to rakes, brooms, and gloves. Your Business Unit representative will follow-up with more details.

Contest Information -

For everyone in EWS who participates in the Days of Caring, your name will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 5 American Express Gift Certificates.


How do I volunteer?

Contact your EWS Days of Caring Committee Members -

Cheryl Lindeman 5-2849 Tom Myers 3-0475 Tammie Schoppe 3-4220 Marcus Edmonds 3-4243

Marilyn Oliver 5-6122 Philip Conn 5-8181 Julie Clyatt 3-3256

Thank you,

EWS Days of Caring Committee