Enron Mail

Subject:Welcome to Classmates, Larry!
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 19:32:30 -0700 (PDT)

=09=09 Home | Friends | Reunion Center | Fun & Games | Member B=
enefits | Help =09
Hi, Larry! Thanks for joining Classmates, the world's best place to reunit=
e with friends from kindergarten through college! To claim your special mem=
bership gift - the Classmates Travel Values Plus program, including 50% hot=
el discounts plus US$50.00 Gas from your favorite station - become a Gold =
member now ! As a Gold member, you'll enjoy our premier level of service: =
Send email Hi Notes to your friends or anyone listed in our K-12, college=
, and military directories Chat live about the good old days Make new fri=
ends in Interest Groups Swap stories on our Message Boards Share photos w=
ith your friends Plus, receive 50% hotel discounts, US$50.00 Gas from you=
r favorite station, up to US$100.00 in airline savings, and much more with =
the Classmates Travel Values Plus Program. Every day, thousands of old fri=
ends reunite in our K-12, college, and military directories. Best friends, =
family members, military buddies, even lost loves experience the thrill of =
reconnecting at Classmates. Get in touch with friends you thought were lost=
forever by becoming a Gold member today . You'll be happy you did. Your =
Friends at Classmates P.S. Don't forget: this is a limited-time offer. Be=
come a Gold member today to receive the Classmates Travel Values Plus Prog=
ram with 50% hotel discounts, US$50.00 Gas from your favorite station, US$1=
00.00 in airline savings, and more! =09=09=09
=09 =09Classmates Gold Members share their stories: "Last May, Linda regi=
stered on Classmates, looking for me. Ten days later, I registered looking =
for her. The money it cost to join Classmates was the best I've ever spent.=
Thank you for being the vehicle that brought this wonderful lady back into=
my life. Without your service, I don't know what I would have done." -John=
"My father was in the Army, so I never had that many friends. The best fr=
iend that I had was in Germany while we were stationed there. We were only =
14 years old. My father got transferred to Texas and we lost touch. I regis=
tered on Classmates and found her brother on the military site. She emailed=
me the same day saying that she had been looking for me for 14 years." -Si=
mone Make your own golden memories. Become a Gold Member today and get 50=
% hotel discounts plus US$50.00 Gas! =09
=09=09 We hope you've enjoyed receiving this newsletter from your Classmat=
es community; if not, update your email subscriptions . If this email was =
sent to you in error, please remove the incorrect membership . Please do n=
ot reply to this email. If you need help or have a question, visit our onli=
ne Help area . =09