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[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] BUY your policy online! PROGRESSIVE.COM [IMAGE] = Thank you for completing a Progressive quote. Your quote will be saved for= the next 60 days. When you're ready you can buy your policy online or ca= ll 1-877-776-4266 to start your coverage immediately. [IMAGE] Your 6 Mon= th Progressive quote is: [IMAGE] If paid in full: $1,222.50 [IMA= GE] Or by installment: $1,363.50 [IMAGE] With the following payment = options: Quote #: 822948096 [IMAGE] Name: campbell [IMAGE] Zip= Code: 77031 3 Payments Down payment: $575.70 2 payments: $400.= 90 6 Payments-EFT Required Down payment: $313.10 5 payments: $212.= 08 Note: Payments include an installment fee that can vary by payment m= ethod. In most payment options, you can reduce your installment fee by us= ing our Electronic Funds Transfer feature, which deducts installment paymen= ts directly from your checking account. [IMAGE] 2 EASY WAYS TO BUY! = [IMAGE] 1. Online Click Here to retrieve your quote and purchase your= policy or modify your quote information. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 2. Call to= ll free 1-877-PROG-COM sm (1-877-776-4266) 24 hours a day, 7 days a = week, to speak with an auto insurance counselor. [IMAGE] Did You K= now That Progressive... [IMAGE] Is the 4th largest auto insurer in th= e U.S., insuring drivers since 1937. Has a fleet of Immediate Response cla= ims vehicles that come to you to settle your claim fast. Is accessible t= oll free, 24 hours, 7 days a week. Lets you view and update your policy i= nformation online anytime with Personal Progressive . View our Personal = Progressive demo ! Is the #1 insurer of motorcycles and a leading insure= r of ATV's, RV's, boats, and personal watercraft. Enjoy the convenience o= f insuring all your vehicles through Progressive . Is sold by more than 30= ,000 independent agents across the country? Click here to locate a Progres= sive authorized agent in your area. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Coverage Informat= ion Drivers: Status: Larry campbell Yes Coverage Selections : B= odily Injury and Property Damage Liability coverage: $25,000 person/$50,00= 0 accident/$25,000 property damage Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodi= ly Injury (UM/UIM) coverage: $25,000 person/$50,000 accident Uninsured/Un= derinsured Motorists Property Damage (UM/UIMPD) coverage: No coverage M= edical Payments coverage: No coverage Personal Injury Protection (PIP) = coverage: No coverage Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Propert= y Damage (UM/UIMPD) coverage: No coverage Comprehensive coverage: $500= Deductible Collision coverage: $500 Deductible Rental Reimbursement cov= erage: No coverage Towing and Labor coverage: No coverage Custom Pa= rts and Equipment coverage: 0 Click here to view Progressive's privacy = policy [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09