Enron Mail

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Subject:[Fwd: HAJCC Activity for Tonight and Saturday!!]
Date:Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:32:14 -0700 (PDT)

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From: Katherine Cheng <KCheng@jahouston.org<
To: 2812664656@my2way.com, brandyshen@yahoo.com, brianc@nethouston.com, b=
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ohannachiang@yahoo.com', 'juifenli@aol.com', 'katefu@yahoo.com', 'kathari=
nefu@yahoo.com', Katherine Cheng <KCheng@jahouston.org<, 'mlo@metrobank-n=
a.com', MoMoChen@SierraCities.com, 'netware@geocities.com', prettymeimei@=
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Subject: HAJCC Activity for Tonight and Saturday!!
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:53:14 -0500
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Dear HAJCC Members,
Tonight, we have moved our table to Auchan's Supermarket from 6:00-9:00pm
with a Fireman. We need more members to help out. If you can make it please
contact Sharon at 713-596-2823. Currently, we have raised over $2,000 in
just 3 days. Please help us reach our goal of $5,000.
We need volunteers for September 22, 2001 at 8:00am at the Chinese Culture
center parking lot (10303 West Office Dr 77042 Near Ranchester and Westpark
) We need people to help us set up the event. The dress attire for all HAJC=
members is HAJCC T-shirt and Pants or Shorts. If you do not have a T-shirt
yet, just show up and see Sharon and she will have some extra shirts.
The Chinese Organizations of Houston will be holding a memorial service wil=
be conducted at 9:00pm to pay tribute to the victims and the heroes. We hav=
agreed to unite our efforts and come as one to show our support rather than
doing individual functions. We will have services performed by several
religious groups, and finishing the event by contributing the results of ou=
fund-raising efforts to our forgotten local heores, the Fire-fighters Union
and the Police Union. Also a portion of the proceeds will go to Channel 39'=
parent company, who
will match 50-cents-on-the-dollar of our donations to organizations of our
choice. We are expecting over 500 people to attend this event. We Need
Volunteers to help out at our HAJCC booth from 8:00am-11:00am. We need
members to step up and help on this important project. This schedule will
also be coordinated by Steve & Homer. Steve Yang [yang_steve@hotmail.com] o=
homerh@flash.net For that event, I will the emcee for the event so Steve an=
Homer has been very nice to take on this project.

September 24 Monday at 6:00 at the Wortham Theater, We need volunteer for
the Mayor's Teacher Award project just to help with the teachers. Please
give me a call if you are open. (832) 236-5049


Katherine Cheng