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Subject:sportingbetUSA - Ticket Entry Report
Date:Thu, 15 Nov 2001 15:20:01 -0800 (PST)

=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
Dear ","4; Congratulations!! You now have accumulated: in sports t=
icket raffle entries for SportingbetUSA's exciting Bet-To-Go sports ticket =
raffle . Your betting activities determine how many entries you accumulate.=
So the more you bet the more entries you have. There are some great colleg=
e football match-ups coming up this week, like: Ohio vs. Illinois check th=
e odds here. Michigan vs. Wisconsin check the odds here. Bet on these to =
get more raffle entries. Here's wishing you the best of luck in our upcomi=
ng drawing of tickets for the Miami vs. Washington NCAA football game. We =
Are Publicly Traded, What Does This Mean To You One of the requirements of =
our business is to serve our customers like they are our last customers, be=
cause if we don?t they will be. This gives you the advantage of a wagering =
firm that is run like a business. =09[IMAGE]=09Daily Pick Four Contest Fre=
e Entry Answer four questions on the games correctly and you win $1,000! =
FirePay Raffle One $1,000 winner for 10 straight weeks until December 28=
, 2001. One $10,000 grand prize winner on January 4, 2002. BetFrequent =
Loyalty Program Each time you bet you earn more points toward great prize=
s. Points Just For Betting =09
Click Here To Chat Live With A Customer Service Representative. [IMAGE] =
=09=09 [IMAGE] =09
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d "remove" in the subject field. If you've received more than one of this =
emails contact Customer Service . No hard feelings!=09