Enron Mail

Subject:Budget, Standards, and Performance Subcommittee Meetings 5/21/01
Date:Thu, 17 May 2001 06:55:00 -0700 (PDT)

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jcox@nyiso.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

The BS&P Subcommittee is scheduled to meet Monday, May 21, 2001 starting at
9:30 a.m. in conference room "WA" at the NYISO offices on Washington Ave.
in Albany. A conference call number has also been set up as follows:

(601) 354-1086 Participant Code 616484

Our agenda will be as follows:

1. Review Management Committee meeting of May 10, 2001 regarding the
proposed budget revision and action by the NYISO Board.

2. Meet with Chuck King and review the details of the Market Services
Budget for 2001 and expectations for 2002. We will also take advantage of
this opportunity to meet with Chuck to help us develop better 2002 goals
for customer service responsiveness.

3. Review the comments received from market participants on the draft
goals we sent out to the tie list, and finalize a list of goals to serve as
input to the NYISO internal business planning process.

The BS&P Subcommittee is also scheduled to meet Tuesday, May 22, 2001
starting at 9:30 a.m. in conference room "WA" at the NYISO offices on
Washington Ave. in Albany. A conference call number has also been set up
as follows:

(505) 242-2420 participant code 265727

As described in a previous e-mail, the purpose of this meeting is to review
the progress of the Credit Policy Working Group (CPWG) in developing a
comprehensive proposal to take to the Management Committee. Based on
discussions of the CPWG this week, it does not appear a consensus proposal
to the BS&P will be achievable for this meeting, however, the CPWG, Andy
Ragogna, and I believe a detailed presentation to the full BS&P by NYISO
staff of the work accomplished to date, identification of open issues, and
a discussion of how to proceed is appropriate at this time given the
complexity of this issue. In-person attendance at this meeting is

Marty Amati
Chair BS&P Subcommittee