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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] tournaments! [IMAGE] Chess - Open Backgammon - Open Checkers - Open Mancala Reversi Chess - Under 1300 Backgammon - Under 1500 Checkers - Under 1300 Go-moku Hex [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]issue #2 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] How 'Bout Some Tonic With That Gin? The game of Gin was Hollywood's game. When it stormed through that town in the '40s, you could see Gin being played on the silver screen by all types of movie stars. Refined in the early 1900s at the Knickerbocker Whist Club in New York, Gin is the perfect social card game. It's not so strategic as to preclude chatting, but it still provides real competitive kick and a gleeful way to gloat when the cards are laid down, and "Gin" is scored. Not every online gaming site has Gin. But it's taking off on PlaySite. Take a break from your day and try it! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Tournament Time What better way to test your gaming skills than to compete in an online tournament with other top-ranked competitors? PlaySite offers automatically scheduled tournaments in seven games: Backgammon, Checkers, Chess, Go-Moku, Hex, Mancala and Reversi. Some games have tournaments geared for the beginning player. Backgammon has tournaments for those rated Under 1500 and an Open class. Checkers and Chess both have tournaments for those rated Under 1300 and a separate Open class. Playing in a tournament is easy and fun. Go to your favorite game page, and click to enter the tournament room. You'll see areas for tournament info, signups, games, a history of prior tournaments and a schedule for upcoming tournaments. PlaySite tourneys run throughout the day. Get a complete look at the schedule here... [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Q: In what year was the first documented chess tournament held? A: 1574 in Madrid, Spain. Wilhelm Steinitz claimed the first official world championship after he beat Adolf Anderssen in 1866. [IMAGE] Q: Who is the current United States chess champion? [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A: Grandmaster Joel Benjamin with a United States Chess Federation rating of 2650. Benjamin appeared in the 1993 chess movie "Searching for Bobby Fischer." [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] We have your e-mail registered as: [lcampbel@enron.com]. Our records show that you are interested in receiving this newsletter from PlaySite. To unsubscribe to this mailing: Please go to the following page - http://www.go2net.com/customize/email/unsubcenter.html and follow the directions accordingly. Terms of Service: http://www.go2net.com/corporate/legal/terms.html Privacy Policy: http://www.go2net.com/corporate/legal Go2Net marks include, but are not limited to: 100hotc, Authorize.NetSM, DogpileSM, FreeYellowSM, Go2Netc, the Go2Net NetworkSM, the Go2Net StoreSM, Haggle OnlineSM, HyperMartc, MetaCrawlerc, PlaySiteSM, Silicon Investorc, Virtual AvenueSM, and Web MarketSM. [IMAGE]