Enron Mail

To:et.bug@pseg.com, bonafide-fuel-oil@worldnet.att.net, keyspan@mmenergy.com,sjfuel@mindspring.com, kinneary@bellatlantic.net, aabbate@metromediaenergy.com, ralbanese@allenergy.com, karonne@metromediaenergy.com, austina@conedsolutions.com, pbaratz@tota
Subject:Keyspan Energy Deliveries January Enrollment Deadlines
Cc:mbauer@keyspanenergy.com, balbergo@keyspanenergy.com,tazzato@keyspanenergy.com, aportalatin@keyspanenergy.com, fzychowski@keyspanenergy.com
Bcc:mbauer@keyspanenergy.com, balbergo@keyspanenergy.com,tazzato@keyspanenergy.com, aportalatin@keyspanenergy.com, fzychowski@keyspanenergy.com
Date:Fri, 1 Dec 2000 05:51:00 -0800 (PST)

Please be advised that the KeySpan Energy Delivery Companies' deadline
for January drops is Friday, December 15, 2000 at 1:30PM (NY time) and
the deadline for enrollments is Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 1:30PM
(NY time). We are moving up the enrollment deadline by one day due to
the holidays.

The enrollment deadline applies to the INTERRUPTIBLE as well as the FIRM
accounts for Long Island. This change is necessary to be able to
populate the Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) with the correct data.

We strongly recommend that you process your transactions as well in
advance of these deadlines as possible. Key Span will not accept any
transaction beyond these dates and times. Transactions that are rejected
and resubmitted subsequent to the deadline dates and times will not be

Your cooperation in complying with this request is greatly appreciated

Thank You,

KeySpan Energy Delivery