Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 18 May 2001 03:31:00 -0700 (PDT)

barkerde@nmenergy.com writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List:

After reading Pete's update on MIS changes that will go into effect May 29, I
have tried the phone route with the NYISO and haven't found a live person to
answer a question I have regarding the $20,000 day ahead adder. The removal of
the $20,000 adder was supposed to be in conjunction with the proposal passed
BIC and MC back in Sept, where the external proxy busses would clear at BME
instead of LBMP. Subsquently it was determined that due to soft ware
and the study that long term prices indicated that the BME clearing prices
have big uplift impact since BME averaged higher then the LBMP. The answer was
to automate ECA06B so that when there was congestion that only the proxy bus
effected would clear at BME, in effect eliminating the need for the $20,000
adder. Soooo the question is: Is the automated ECA06B going to be in place May
Another thought along these lines...Will the removal of the $20,000 adder to
non constrained proxy busses pose a problem for those who don't want their DAM
schedules bumped by HAM schedules? Will simply babysitting your schedules by
changing the HAM bids be sufficent?
Since I'm on a roll, what about the fact that according to Tech Bull. 61 that
IS+ is still changing Export Sink Price Caps to a -$100 Dec Bid in spite of
fact that BIC and MC back in Sept passed a motion to change this so that the
bid would be equal in magnitude but opposite in sign from the SPC Bid? Which
wrong, Tech Bull 61, IS+ or me? Please only pick one, and it must pertain to
this narrow question.