Enron Mail

To:jay.wills@enron.com, cyril.price@enron.com, john.kinser@enron.com,rudy.acevedo@enron.com, richard.hrabal@enron.com, wayne.herndon@enron.com, juan.hernandez@enron.com, greg.trefz@enron.com, miguel.garcia@enron.com, russell.ballato@enron.com, joe.step
Subject:The TradersNews Cinergy, Entergy and AEP indexes have been posted
Date:Wed, 15 Nov 2000 02:46:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kayne Coulter/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 10:50
AM ---------------------------

"Bobette Riner" <bobette.riner@ipgdirect.com< on 11/15/2000 10:38:17 AM
To: "Jeff Maack" <jeff.maack@ipgdirect.com<, "Suzanna Strangmeier"
<suzanna.strangmeier@ipgdirect.com<, <ellen.clardy@ipgdirect.com<,
Subject: The TradersNews Cinergy, Entergy and AEP indexes have been posted

Today is the last day for the discount subscription price for our indexes.
When you subscribe, you get our historical data to date. Contact Jeff Maack,
713/647-8802, or jeff.maack@ipgdirect.com.
To meet your needs, we are now posting the Cin and Ent indexes each weekday
by 9:15 a.m. If you send us prices, please do so by 6:30 a.m. each day.
WILL YOU PLEASE INFORM YOUR NIGHT CREW that we're calling each night to get
deals? Some have been reluctant to divulge prices, not realizing we've
cleared their participation through the heads of the trading desk/hourly
Feel free to pass along the following (in bold):

To: 24-hour desk crew
From: (hourly trading manager)

TradersNews is now posting the hourly indexes each day at 9:15 a.m. CPT, to
facilitate financial swaps off the indexes. Please provide them (Ellen
Suzanna Strangmeier and Bobette Riner) with prices and volumes, as well as
source and sink for each hourly peak deal that day.

They are indexing Cinergy, Entergy and AEP, and are collecting prices to
historical data for TVA, ComEd and SPP. The information will not be published
until the NEXT day, and at no time will TradersNews identify who did what or
how much.

Thank you for your cooperation.

If you or your crew have any questions (for example, re: hub definitions),
please contact us. We thank you!


Bobette Riner
Senior Power Markets Analyst