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Earlier this year, the Enron Fleet Strategic Sourcing Initiative outlined a=
=20 goal of saving $1.2 million, or 15 percent, on vehicle and related expenses= . =20 To provide GPG the ability to realize the savings potential associated with= =20 these recommendations, it is necessary to implement a standardized GPG Flee= t=20 Procedure. The GPG Fleet Procedure and associated Addenda address the recommendations = of=20 the Enron Fleet Strategic Sourcing Team and establish a solid foundation to= =20 build a world class fleet. The key points of the GPG Fleet Procedure are: Procurement =01) Sets budget guidelines and optimal lifecycle of the fleet. Vehicle Assignment =01) Identifies employees who will be assigned a Company= =20 vehicle, Runzheimer or rental car. Commute =01) Tracks and identifies those costs associated with commute mil= es. Minimum Utilization =01) Identifies minimally utilized assets for redeploym= ent=20 or disposal. IFTA Fuel Permitting =01) Lists steps necessary to comply with this program= . Vehicle Tracking =01) Details use of the electronic transfer form including= =20 registration information. Vehicle Remarketing =01) Outlines procedure to dispose of surplus vehicles = and=20 work equipment. Vehicle Take Home Procedure =01) Identifies employees who can drive a Compa= ny=20 vehicle to their home. Runzheimer Program =01) Outlines program parameters and associated requirem= ents. Registration and Title Management =01) Explains proper procedures to assure= the=20 registration process.=20 Driver Motor Vehicle Report =01) Prehire/transfer program used to screen=20 prospective employees/transfers One Card Program =01) Outlines requirements for fuel and maintenance progra= m.=20 GPG and its=01, employees will benefit from the savings generated by the=20 recommendations of the Strategic Sourcing Initiative. We encourage each=20 employee to continue to make sound business decisions each day, decisions= =20 that allow GPG to take full advantage of savings opportunities. =20 In the near future, we will be introducing the =01&One Card=018 (MasterCard= )=20 program. This card will be used for vehicle fuel and maintenance expenses = as=20 well as emergency purchases. The GPG Fleet Procedure as well as the One Ca= rd=20 Procedure will soon be posted on the Enron GPG Intranet. Please address any questions to Bruce Martin GPG Fleet Contract Manager (40= 2)=20 398-7314 or myself at 713-646-6260.