Enron Mail

Subject:Draft Permits and SOBs
Date:Wed, 3 Oct 2001 09:44:00 -0700 (PDT)


I faxed you the cover letter. The draft permits and statements of basis
should appear on the website within two hours. And I have attached the
four files in PDF format. Call if you have questions. Thanks.

(See attached file: leupp mod draft.pdf)(See attached file: klagetoh mod
sob draft.ps.pdf)(See attached file: klagetoh mod draft.pdf)(See attached
file: leupp mod sob draft.pdf)

Roger Kohn
U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne St., Mail Code AIR-3
San Francisco, CA 94105
phone: (415) 744-1238
fax: (415) 744-1076

@enron.com To: Roger Kohn/R9/USEPA/US@EPA
10/03/2001 Subject: Re: Example of Word
perfect Document
03:06 PM

Roger, I printed the Calpine permits and everything worked fine. Am
looking forward to seeing my permits. Any idea as to when they will be
placed on the EPA website? The reason I ask is that I need to travel to
Flagstaff Az and cant go untill I make copies of the Sta 3 and 4 permit
drafts. Roswell to Flagstaff is 500 miles.
Whatever you can do will really help.

Kohn.Roger@epamail.epa.gov on 10/03/2001 12:00:48 PM

To: Larry.Campbell@enron.com

Subject: Re: Example of Word perfect Document


Actually, I'm going to post the draft permits and SOBs on our website. I
think you'll have everything you need there. If for some reason you don't
like the way that looks or prints, I will send you files. To see an
example, go to: http://www.epa.gov/region09/air/permit/epssdata.htm

Then click the first yellow bullet and drill down through CA and Monterey
and click on Calpine. At the bottom of the form you will see yellow icons.
Click on the one in the field labeled "link permit conditions".

I will fax you our cover letter as soon as it's signed today. Please
e-mail me your fax number. Thanks.

@enron.com To: Roger
10/03/2001 Subject: Example of Word
perfect Document
09:55 AM

Roger, to be sure I have all the right tools for your rough draft submittal
of the permits for compressor stations 3 and 4, please send me soemthing in
Word perfect so that I can open and view. I can open a PDF file so you
might want to send it that way as you suggested. I hope that this message
isnt repetitive, as my email has been messed up and some of the stuff Ive
sent, hasnt made it to the intended person or agency.

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Thank you.

- leupp mod draft.pdf
- klagetoh mod sob draft.ps.pdf
- klagetoh mod draft.pdf
- leupp mod sob draft.pdf