Enron Mail

Subject:Re: ADEQ permits: public hearing
Cc:arnold.l.eisenstein@enron.com, dan.pribble@enron.com,jerry.d.martin@enron.com, john.shafer@enron.com, larry.campbell@enron.com, louis.soldano@enron.com, richard.melton@enron.com, ruth.jensen@enron.com, william.kendrick@enron.com
Bcc:arnold.l.eisenstein@enron.com, dan.pribble@enron.com,jerry.d.martin@enron.com, john.shafer@enron.com, larry.campbell@enron.com, louis.soldano@enron.com, richard.melton@enron.com, ruth.jensen@enron.com, william.kendrick@enron.com
Date:Wed, 21 Nov 2001 03:55:00 -0800 (PST)

Just to keep all permit information together, I spoke to Roger Kohn and he
has sent to me the station 3 and 4 air permits. We are now free to
initiate construction at these two sites....

"Van Wolf" <vwolf@swlaw.com< on 11/20/2001 01:59:21 PM

To: <arnold.l.eisenstein@enron.com<, <dan.pribble@enron.com<,
<jerry.d.martin@enron.com<, <John.Shafer@ENRON.com<,
<larry.campbell@enron.com<, <louis.soldano@enron.com<,
<richard.melton@enron.com<, <ruth.jensen@enron.com<,

Subject: ADEQ permits: public hearing

As Larry has probably reported to you by now, the public hearing last night
in Williams was accomplished with a satisfactory result. Shudeish had
copies of the draft permits, which Larry reviewed and found satisfactory.
Apparently, about three weeks ago, Prabhat Bargava left his DEQ position as
Section Manager, Compliance, to take a position with a consultant, CH2M
Hill, which is trying to start an air group in Arizona.
I just spoke with Shudeish about how soon the actual permits will be
issued. He said that DEQ had to wait a few days after the November 23 close
of the comment period (this was announced at the hearing) to allow mailed
comments postmarked on Friday, Nov 23 to reach DEQ. He then said that he
expected both permits would be issued middle to end of next week (by Nov.
30): he said he had to blend the EPA issues into the permits, but that was
not problemmatic. Larry talked with Shudeish last night about the EPA
issues, and that did not seem to be any difficulty.
I then asked Shudeish why the comment period was extended until Nov 23 when
the rule states that the comment period is only 30 days long and the
comment period opened by first publication on October 17. The public
hearing also must be no sooner than 30 days after first publication, and
that is why it was set for Nov. 19. Thus, even allowing for a couple of
days after what should have been the close of comment period (Nov 19,
because Nov 17 was a Saturday), the permits should be issued by the first
of next week rather than the end of the week. Shudeish said he would check
and get back to me.
I know this is only a couple of days difference (assuming the permits are
issued by Nov 30), but I am sensitive to Jerry's urgency to get moving
quickly, and I also want to lay some groundwork to object if actual
issuance starts dragging.
Please let me know if you have any thoughts or comments.
Van Wolf

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G. Van Velsor Wolf Jr.
Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
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