Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Transwestern project - expected CO emissions
Cc:arnold.l.eisenstein@enron.com, byron.rance@enron.com, earl.chanley@enron.com
Bcc:arnold.l.eisenstein@enron.com, byron.rance@enron.com, earl.chanley@enron.com
Date:Wed, 14 Mar 2001 03:57:00 -0800 (PST)

Thanx John, for the attachment. How did the presentation go?

John March <john.march@rolls-royce.com< on 03/14/2001 07:07:48 AM
Please respond to john.march@rolls-royceesi.com
To: Larry Campbell <lcampbe@enron.com<
cc: Arnold Eisenstein <Arnold.L.Eisenstein@enron.com<, Byron Rance

Subject: Transwestern project - expected CO emissions


I was requested to submit our expected CO emissions data we presented to
Eisenstein and Byron Rance on Tuesday, March 13th in Houston. Attached is the
powerpoint presentation with the CO emissions curves.

John A. March, P.E.
Market Manager
Rolls-Royce Energy Systems, Inc.
105 North Sandusky Street
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
Phone: 740-393-8391
Fax: 740-393-8781
Email: john.march@rolls-royce.com

- Transwestern CO Management.ppt