Enron Mail

Subject:Permitting Status, Rogas Construction Project
Cc:william.kendrick@enron.com, scott.jones@enron.com, kenny.maltby@enron.com,rick.suderman@enron.com
Bcc:william.kendrick@enron.com, scott.jones@enron.com, kenny.maltby@enron.com,rick.suderman@enron.com
Date:Mon, 12 Feb 2001 09:16:00 -0800 (PST)

John, this is a short note to let you know where we stand on the 7 mile
pipeline construction Rogas Project with respect to environmental permitting
and approvals.

The following documents and applications have been submitted to the agencies:

California fish and game 1603 application

Kern County Floodplain Management Agency-encroachment application

US COE 404 Nationwide permit- preconstruction notification

Reclamation Board- encroachment application

Califonia State Fire Marshall-waiver to install aboveground pipeline

Office of Pipeline Safety-waiver to Install aboveground pipeline

I am checking to see what state requirements there are for SHPO clearances
for this project. I would suspect that they would want us to do a field
survey prior to construction. It seems that every Califonia state and county
agency is a candidate for notification or approval. Ill keep you