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Enron Mail |
Cc: kenny.maltby@enron.com, bob.jacobs@enron.com, matt.hughes@enron.com,
john.shafer@enron.com, william.kendrick@enron.com, scott.jones@enron.com, rich.jolly@enron.com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: kenny.maltby@enron.com, bob.jacobs@enron.com, matt.hughes@enron.com, john.shafer@enron.com, william.kendrick@enron.com, scott.jones@enron.com, rich.jolly@enron.com X-From: Larry Campbell X-To: Edward Attanasio X-cc: Kenny Maltby, Bob Jacobs, Matt Hughes, John Shafer, William Kendrick, Scott Jones, Rich Jolly X-bcc: X-Folder: \Larry_Campbell_Nov2001_1\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: CAMPBELL-L X-FileName: lcampbe.nsf Ed the 6" project you are talking about is a small project independant of Rogas where a 6"line will be constructed from North Coles and run above ground, if possible, to a tie in approx. 1 mile away. We will need a waiver for this. There wont be any by pass crossing concerns and only ocal notifications due to the efforts to run the pipe above ground. The reason for constructing above ground is to minimize surface disturbance. Im sure that one of the conditions of the approval for this construction actiivty is that EOTT wil be required to maintain integrity of the pipeline to ensure no releases.....inspections, reporting etc.... Ill keep you in the loop on this..... From: Edward Attanasio@EOTT on 02/01/2001 11:32 AM PST To: Larry Campbell/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Kenny Maltby/Bakersfield/Eott@Eott, Bob Jacobs/Long_Beach/Eott@Eott, Matt Hughes/Houston/Eott@Eott Subject: Re: No. Coles Levee to Rogas Interconnect - Permit & Property Owner R equirements Thanks for the update. I can indeed confirm that we have the 2081 in place. (But, to be precise, it was not ARCO Energy's 2081; it was a 2081 that was issued in the first instance to Koch that was assigned to us. So, make sure the 2081 you are working off of is the Memorandum of Understanding between fish and game and Koch, and not a permit issued to Arco.) Also, according to Kenny M, West Coast Environ is working on some other permit for the 6-inch line (I don't recall exactly what it is, but Kenny can tell you. Unfortunately, the handoff from Gary to you folks seems to have left us in a bit of disarray, so it'll all have to be tracked down this way.) Pehaps you can crack the whip on West Coast re this also? Thanks. --ETA Larry Campbell@ENRON 02/01/01 10:39 AM To: Matt Hughes/ET&S/Enron@Enron cc: Matt.Hughes@enron.com, AHart@kensmall.com, derickson@kensmall.com, Edward.Attanasio@enron.com, KevinS@kensmall.com, matt.hughes@enron.com, John.Shafer@enron.com, David.Roensch@enron.com, rich.jolly@enron.com, Bob.jacobs@eott.com, William Kendrick/OTS/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: No. Coles Levee to Rogas Interconnect - Permit & Property Owner R equirements With respect to the environmental clearances and permits for the Rogas project, here is where we presently stand. 2081 State Fish and Game Permit. According to the North Coles facility, Ed Attanasio has a letter from Koch authorizing transfer of the ARCO Energy 2081 permit to EOTT. 10A1B Federal US Fish and Wildlife Permit for EOTT. I have checked on the status of this permit which will be issued to EOTT by the USFWS and am in the process of trying to push it along. The wheels of govt. sometime move pretty slow. We are waiting for written approval from USFWS to the Kern Water Bank approving of EOTT using the KWB 10A1B permit use for the Rogas project only. this letter is expected by the end of next week. I will keep everyone updated. The biologist is ready and waiting for a start date to begin her surveys and has stated that the cold temperatures may cause her to delay her sampling and survey work as mandated by the Department of Fish and Game. The issue of the water by pass channel crossing is still in progress. We will need approval under 404 Nationwide Permit, 1603 streambed alteration notification approval and State Reg Board Authorization. I have contacted the consultant Gary has been using for assistance with these applications and they are sending applications to my attention. The signed and completed packets will be going out fed-x tomorrow. I would expect a 30 day waiting period before these documents are signed by the agencies, however, because these approvals apply only to the by pass channel feature, this should not delay initial construction of the project . I have prepared the stormwater permit application for construction activities which are required for construction activities greater than 5 acres. Matt Hughes 01/31/2001 08:29 AM To: Edward Attanasio/Remote/Eott@Eott, Larry Campbell/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: No. Coles Levee to Rogas Interconnect - Permit & Property Owner R equirements ---------------------- Forwarded by Matt Hughes/ET&S/Enron on 01/31/2001 09:29 AM --------------------------- Kenny_Maltby@eott.com on 01/30/2001 08:09:53 PM To: Matt.Hughes@enron.com cc: AHart@kensmall.com, derickson@kensmall.com, Edward.Attanasio@enron.com, KevinS@kensmall.com, matt.hughes@enron.com, John.Shafer@enron.com, Larry.Campell@enron.com, David.Roensch@enron.com, rich.jolly@enron.com, Bob.jacobs@eott.com Subject: Re: No. Coles Levee to Rogas Interconnect - Permit & Property Owner R equirements 1) We have the permit and drawing for boring the Kern County Water Agencies Cross Valley Canal. I will also contact Helt Engineering for the canal profile and Soils Engineering for the soil analysis. 2) Permits for Hwy 43 and Interstate 5 are state Permits through Caltrans, at this time we have not received the permits. Helt Engineering has repeatedly made calls but are having difficulty getting anyone to answer the phone. I have asked them to notify Caltrans of who is the contractor for the project. Alan if you can provide me with the name of the boring contractor I will provide that information at the same time. If I do not have an answer soon I will make a trip to Fresno and see what I can find out. Matt, Floyd Little is the contact for Caltrans, you probably remember the problems you had when you tried to contact him. 3) Gary Fuller put West Coast Environmental in charge of obtaining a permit for crossing the Kern River By-Pass channel from the Army Corp of Engineers. As we discussed last week the application for the permit had not been filed. Larry Campell with the environmental department has been asked to contact West Coast Environmental for the status of the permit application. I will provide the drawing, permit and permit requirements when we receive them. 4) I will gather copies of the conditions and requirements from the water districts and provide that to Alan. 5) We have not received the Fish and Games approval at this time. When we receive it and have final approval from our environmental and legal departments I will provide the Permit to Alan. As you know we are at the States mercy on obtaining these permits. We are shooting for the two week starting date as mention earlier. I will keep you informed. Matt.Hughes@e nron.com To: "Hart, Alan" <AHart@kensmall.com< cc: "Matt Hughes (E-mail)" 01/30/01 <matt.hughes@enron.com<, Kenny 07:24 AM Maltby/Bakersfield/Eott@Eott, "Erickson, Doug" <derickson@kensmall.com<, "Small, Kevin" <KevinS@kensmall.com<, Edward.Attanasio@enron.com Subject: Re: No. Coles Levee to Rogas Interconnect - Permit & Property Owner R equirements Once we secure all these permits and schedule work, we will provide copies to you. Kenny/Ed-- Are we still on track to start in <= 2 weeks? "Hart, Alan" <AHart@kensmall.com< on 01/26/2001 06:53:27 PM To: "Matt Hughes (E-mail)" <matt.hughes@enron.com< cc: "Kenny Maltby (E-mail)" <kenny.maltby@eott.com<, "Erickson, Doug" <derickson@kensmall.com<, "Small, Kevin" <KevinS@kensmall.com< Subject: No. Coles Levee to Rogas Interconnect - Permit & Property Owner R equirements Matt, In order for Ken Small Construction to plan and schedule the work in the most economic manner we would like the following information in hand prior to starting field construction work. 1) Copy of permit from Kern County Water Agency for the Cross Valley Canal with the drawing that was submitted for permit application. 2) Copy of permit from Kern County for the Enos Lane crossing with drawing that was submitted for permit application, also I need to get KSCI listed as contractor on permit. 3) Copy of permit from Caltrans for the I-5 crossing with drawing that was submitted for permit application, also I need to get KSCI listed as rider along with bore contractor. 4) Copy of permit from Army Corps of Engineers for the Kern River crossing with drawing that was submitted for permit application, along with any conditions required. 5) Copy of Fish & Game, Kern Water Bank Authority, Buena Vista Water Storage and West Kern Water requirements or conditions for construction of the pipelines. Your help in letting KSCI know the status of the above permits as soon as possible will also help to set up a workable schedule that we can utilize for our construction purposes. Alan R. Hart Senior Estimator Phone (661) 391-2139 Pager (661) 329-7691 Fax (661) 393-0651 email: ahart@kensmall.com