Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Public Comment Period Begins on Oct. 4
Cc:rios.gerardo@epamail.epa.gov, john.shafer@enron.com,william.kendrick@enron.com, jerry.martin@enron.com, louis.soldano@enron.com, mahadev.shudeish@ev.state.az.us, bhargarva.prabhat@ev.state.az.us, wrona.nancy@ev.state.az.us, oconnell.cathy@ev.state.a
Bcc:rios.gerardo@epamail.epa.gov, john.shafer@enron.com,william.kendrick@enron.com, jerry.martin@enron.com, louis.soldano@enron.com, mahadev.shudeish@ev.state.az.us, bhargarva.prabhat@ev.state.az.us, wrona.nancy@ev.state.az.us, oconnell.cathy@ev.state.a
Date:Fri, 28 Sep 2001 03:45:00 -0700 (PDT)

Roger, thats great that the public notice for station 3 and 4 air permits
will initiate on October 4. I really appreciate your work and effort on
this. I will be looking forward to reviewing the rough draft for both of the
permits during the first week of October.....

Kohn.Roger@epamail.epa.gov on 09/27/2001 06:07:00 PM
To: Larry.Campbell@enron.com
cc: Rios.Gerardo@epamail.epa.gov

Subject: Public Comment Period Begins on Oct. 4


An advertisement in the Navajo Times on October 4 will start the 30-day
public comment period for the Leupp and Klagetoh permit mods. We will send
you copies of the draft permits and statements of basis, which you should
receive a day or two before October 4.

I will be out of the office until October 22. If you have any questions
about these permits in my absence, please call Gerardo Rios at

Roger Kohn
U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne St., Mail Code AIR-3
San Francisco, CA 94105
phone: (415) 744-1238
fax: (415) 744-1076