Enron Mail

To:phil.lowry@enron.com, john.shafer@enron.com, william.kendrick@enron.com,arnold.eisenstein@enron.com
Subject:Station 1 Archeology Discovery
Cc:donna.martens@enron.com, bret.fritch@enron.com
Bcc:donna.martens@enron.com, bret.fritch@enron.com
Date:Thu, 22 Mar 2001 07:16:00 -0800 (PST)

I received a call from the consultant who performed the archeology survey at
stations 1 and 2. Based upon the plot plan provided by construction, the
archeology discovery at station 1 does not occur within the area of proposed
impact, even though part of the discovery is within the facility fence. The
report recommendation to the SHPO by the archeologist will be that during
construction activities in this area, an archeologist be onsite to monitor
and ensure that the site is not impacted. They will also recommend that we
fence the discovery area within our facility to ensure that future pipeline
activities will not disrupt the site.

I have asked that two reports be prepared for each site. One report for each
station covering the construction areas and the other reports to include the
entire 40 acres at each compressor station. All four reports will be
submitted to Bret Fritch in Omaha on Monday, the 26th of March.