Enron Mail

To:team.eunice@enron.com, richard.espinoza@enron.com
Subject:Title V annual certification and compliance monitoring report due
Date:Fri, 15 Jun 2001 04:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: bob.bandel@enron.com, scott.clark@enron.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Bcc: bob.bandel@enron.com, scott.clark@enron.com
X-From: Larry Campbell
X-To: Team Eunice, Richard Espinoza
X-cc: Bob Bandel, Scott Clark
X-Folder: \Larry_Campbell_Nov2001_1\Notes Folders\Sent
X-FileName: lcampbe.nsf

Eunice team, The NNG Eunice C/S is required to prepare and submit the semi
annual and annual reports required by the facilities Title V Operating Permit
which was issued by the State of New Mexico. The reports are required to be
submitted to the state of New Mexico and the EPA by July 19, 2001. These
reports are required even though the facility is not in operation. If you
would like assistance in the preparation and submittal of each document, give
me a call and we can set up a time to meet at the C/S to do each report.
This should take about half a day.