Enron Mail

To:rick.loveless@enron.com, mike.riedel@enron.com, butch.russell@enron.com,scott.jones@enron.com, john.steenberg@enron.com
Subject:Weekly Environmental Activity-Roswell Area
Date:Wed, 4 Apr 2001 16:47:00 -0700 (PDT)

The Title V air permit applications for C/S's 3 and 4 were submitted to
Region IX EPA in San Francisco. These were the last two applications to be
filed for the Redrock Mainline Exspansion project in Arizona.

Assistance was given to all field teams in Arizona in the preparation and
submittal of the required annual complaince certifications required under
each facilities Title V Operating Permit.

2000 emissions inventories were submitted to the TNRCC for the eleven C/S in
the Midland Region.

A revised APEN was submitted to the state of Colorado for the forthcoming
power turbine unit replacement to be conducted at the LaPlata C/S.