Enron Mail

To:william.kendrick@enron.com, scott.clark@enron.com, rich.jolly@enron.com,leo.nichols@enron.com, kyle.purvis@enron.com, charlie.graham@enron.com, sarita.garza@enron.com, randy.lebeau@enron.com, ld.stephens@enron.com, ruth.jensen@enron.com
Cc:randy.howard@enron.com, jim.lynch@enron.com, dave.miller@enron.com,david.noyes@enron.com, laverne.dietz@enron.com, steve.mitchell@enron.com, monte.stebens@enron.com, deelyn.pool@enron.com, lana.steffen@enron.com, natasha.hoover@enron.com, linda.harr
Bcc:randy.howard@enron.com, jim.lynch@enron.com, dave.miller@enron.com,david.noyes@enron.com, laverne.dietz@enron.com, steve.mitchell@enron.com, monte.stebens@enron.com, deelyn.pool@enron.com, lana.steffen@enron.com, natasha.hoover@enron.com, linda.harr
Date:Fri, 21 Sep 2001 05:26:00 -0700 (PDT)


Submitted Title V Permit Renewal for Mullinville Compressor to the KDHE.

Submittal of standard exemption documention for the NNG Kermit, Plainview,
Seminole and Brownfield C/S's were submitted to the TNRCC.


A conference call was held with Region IX EPA to discuss Redrock Expansion
issues related to the issuance of Title V air permits for Sat. 3 and 4 which
are on Indain lands. The agency provided a tentative date of 7 weeks before
the the permits would be issued. The EPA has required Transwestern to
respond to issues related to the Endangered Species Act prior to issuance of
the air permit. Transwestern is in the process of preparing a biological
assessment for the properties within the facility fences of stations 3 and 4.

A meeting was held with the Arizona DEQ to discuss what activities
Transwestern may participate in to assist the agency with the issuance of the
air permits for Station 1 and 2. The agency gave a date of April 2002 as a
normal issue date. Even under expidited conditions the date is expected to
be mid December of this year. Transwestern plans on actively pursuing ADEQ's
management to determine if the date for issuance can be further decreased.
On a side note, under the current Arizona regulations, certain construction
activities can begin in leau of receiving the permit and include; foundation
construction, laying underground piping and consturction of permenant
underground structures. This wil benefit the inbitiation of the Redrock
construction prior to receivng the air permits for these stations.


Rawlins pump station was struck by lighting, causing a release and a loss of
crude and the tanks do to fire. Visiting site Friday, September 21, 2001to
evaluate and for a clean up and remediation plan.

continuation of 308 reporting for EOTT facilities in amarillo region.

Remediaiton of EOTT Weatherford Station.


Attended the KDHE annual environmental conference in Hutchinson, Kansas.

Completed Title V annual certifications for Texas and Oklahoma facilities.

completed workbooks for Amarillo roundtable.