Enron Mail

To:rick.loveless@enron.com, mike.riedel@enron.com, scott.jones@enron.com
Subject:Weekly Activity Report, Roswell Area
Date:Tue, 3 Jul 2001 04:36:00 -0700 (PDT)

Participated in the compliation and submittal of the Title V semi annual
monitoring and annual certification reports for the NNG Eunice C/S.

Data gathering and correspondance continues with the third party lawyer for
the NOV issue at the P-1 C/S. This involved a like for like replacement of a
turbine in New Mexico.

Annual blanket renewal requests were submitted to the Texas SHPO and the
Arizona F&W.

A permit be rule has been submitted to the TNRCC for the like for like I/C
engine replacement at the NNG Reagan Co 2 C/S.

The EOTT tank database is 90% complete. Field verification with each team
will begin to determine compliance with recordkeeping, fees, NSPS and air
permit status. Air permits for the EOTT facilities in New Mexico were copied
from the agencies records. Compliance status will be determined for these
facilities also.