Enron Mail

To:rank@mdjlaw.com, esholeen@bracepatt.com, michelle.blaine@enron.com,sgussett@bracepatt.com, msymonds@bracepatt.com, iblanco@bracepatt.com, kgstith@littler.com, dscofield@velaw.com
Subject:No Excuses Girls Night
Cc:twanda.sweet@enron.com, trey.cash@enron.com
Bcc:twanda.sweet@enron.com, trey.cash@enron.com
Date:Mon, 25 Sep 2000 14:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

Debbie, would you please forward this to Deanne, Lisa Anouilh, and Mary
Thamm? I've lost those email addresses! Thanks.

Hello girls! Is everyone ready to party on Friday???

Here are the details:

Date: Friday, Sept. 29

Time: 6:30 pm

Place: My house
4531 Beech Street
Bellaire, Texas 77401

Directions: Take 59 to Newcastle, go south on Newcastle. Beech is off of
Newcastle between Bissonnet and Bellaire.
Alternative: Take Loop 610, exit Bissonnet, go inside the loop, then go
south (right) on Newcastle. Beech is off Newcastle.

In the interest of keeping this simple and quick (since I am going to be
travelling from Boston that day), I am going to order fajitas and serve
margaritas and wine. Rather than have people bring or do stuff, everyone can
just toss in some cash (it won't be much more than $10-ish) based upon how
many people will be there. So, let me know, and I'll count you in (and get
your booze!).

So far, I have "yes" from Blaine and her friend who makes the jewelry (bring
your orders), Mata Kroger, Rank, Scofield, Stith, Gussett, and Blanco.
Sholeen is a "no" because her neighbors are giving her a going away party,
and she thought it would be kind of tacky not to show up. Let me know if
these plans have changed.

If we have left anyone out, please include them on the list and have them get
back to me to say they'll be there.

See you Friday! Michelle