Enron Mail

Subject:RE: "No Excuse" Girls Night
Date:Fri, 1 Sep 2000 01:55:00 -0700 (PDT)

I hadn't heard about Alex's offer. That is great!! He is such a nice guy.
I'll send details on hen night later. Michelle

"Stith, Kimberly Gee" <KGStith@littler.com< on 08/31/2000 07:02:28 PM
To: Michelle.Cash@enron.com
Subject: RE: "No Excuse" Girls Night

Michelle, consider me a "yes." Sounds like fun. Also, thanks for Alex
Juden's resume; we extended him an offer.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ileana Blanco [mailto:iblanco@bracepatt.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 9:52 AM
To: Michelle.Blaine@enron.com; Michelle.Cash@enron.com
Cc: cgussett@bracepatt.com; Elizabeth Mata Kroger; Eden Sholeen;
Margaret Symonds; kgstith@littler.com; rank@mdjlaw.com;
Subject: Re: "No Excuse" Girls Night

Hey Cash--I AM going to chicken out of the Lasex surgery--put me down as a

<<< "Michelle Blaine" <Michelle.Blaine@enron.com< 08/31/00 09:37AM <<<

Great idea!! I should be in town because I will be moving on the 30th into
new place at the Houstonian. Yippee!!! Having said that, we'll have the
Christmas bash at my place.

Michelle Cash@ECT
08/29/2000 03:59 PM

To: "Debbie Rank" <rank@mdjlaw.com<, ekroger@bracepatt.com,
esholeen@bracepatt.com, Michelle
Blaine/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, cgussett@bracepatt.com,
msymonds@bracepatt.com, iblanco@bracepatt.com, kgstith@littler.com,

Subject: "No Excuse" Girls Night (Document link: Michelle Blaine)

Hello everyone!!

Well, no one is celebrating anything specific, so we haven't had an
for the girls to get together in a while. Therefore, we have decided to
have a
NO Excuses Girls Night.

The proposed date is Friday, Sept. 29 -- Are there any major conflicts with

Proposed place is to be determined. Debbie Rank suggested that a restaurant
would be the easiest. I offered to have it at my house, but she was
that I would get stuck doing too much and spending too much. My thought is
if everyone agrees to chip in a bit, we can have it catered, and no one will
have to do too much or pay too much. What do you think about that?

If you are interested, let me know.

Also, this first email is limited to those persons for whom I had email
addresses. Many others should be added to this list, including: Mary
Lisa Anouilh, Deanne Noel, Tamberly Thomas, and others whom I am sure to
forgotten. Please forward this on and have everyone get back to me if they
attend or have a different suggestion.

My email is: michelle.cash@enron.com. Phone number 713-853-6401. More
to come . . .


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