Enron Mail

Subject:Recent developments in California related to wage and hour and wo
Date:Sun, 15 Oct 2000 12:33:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Michelle Cash
X-To: James L Bouillion
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The second link here is about workers' comp insurance in California.


---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 10/15/2000 07:26
PM ---------------------------

"Notestine, Kerry" <KNotestine@littler.com< on 10/15/2000 06:00:01 PM
To: "Cummings, Vicki" <VCummings@littler.com<
Subject: Recent developments in California related to wage and hour and wo
rkers compensation

I am sending you links to our newest ASAP's on California wage and hour and
workers compensation issues. Our ASAP's are our summary of important
developments in employment law. If you do not have employees in California,
these ASAP's probably are not relevant to your company.

The first ASAP summarizes recent developments relating to whether or not
computer professionals and nurses must be paid overtime. The link to this
ASAP follows:

The second ASAP is a general overview of the current state of the workers'
compensation system in California. This may even be of interest if you do
not have employees in California because the issues that arise in California
often occur in other parts of the country. The link to this ASAP follows:

Please notify me if you have problems opening this link. I can send you a
hard copy of the ASAP if necessary. In addition, feel free to print or
forward this link to others in your or other companies, or use it in any
other manner that assists your organization. In addition, let me know if you
do not wish to receive these updates.

Littler Mendelson is the nation's largest law firm devoted exclusively to
representing management in employment and labor matters. With approximately
400 lawyers in 30 offices around the country, our firm handles more
employment matters than any other law firm. Feel free to contact me if you
have questions about the issues addressed in these ASAP's or about any other
employment law issue.

Kerry E Notestine
Littler Mendelson, PC
1900 Chevron Tower
1301 McKinney Street
Houston, Texas 77010
713.951.9212 (fax)

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