Enron Mail

Subject:Summary of Conversation
Date:Mon, 26 Jun 2000 08:08:00 -0700 (PDT)

Twanda, please print and file Japan file. Thanks. MHC


Michelle Cash
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith Street, EB 3823
Houston, Texas 77002
(713) 853-6401

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----- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 06/26/2000 03:08 PM -----

06/08/2000 09:44 AM

To: Michelle Cash@ECT
Subject: Summary of Conversation

Please see first part
---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Gilchrist/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
06/08/2000 09:43 AM ---------------------------

Nigel Sellens@ECT
06/08/2000 07:13 AM
cc: Melissa Laing/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Summary of Conversation

Terms and Conditions

Clause 6. I raised the issue of a reasonableness test regarding place of
work and whether we should include some wording. I was advised that it was
not required as it is implicit.

Clause 7. They will include a no obligation to award an increase sentence.

Options, bonus and sign-on wording will be the ENE wording.

Clause 8. I asked to have wording made clear that it was ".. otherwise as
required by the Company..."

Clause 9. This will only apply to more senior levels. The para will be
omitted where overtime is relevant and this will be covered under work rules
and be the statutory amounts.

Clause 10. We agreed to go flat rate for holidays although we did discuss a
two level approach as 20 days is generous for non managerial staff who will
not use it all anyway. You and I need to agree on this.

Clause 13. I was right, it does read that we can only terminate for just
cause and even then it is difficult to prove (there is a case that states
that mere incompetence does not constitute Just Cause). The definition
examples are those recommended by the Lawyers although they are going to take
up with them a couple of my suggestions to get their view. Again I will talk
you through this. As far as employees giving notice, the statutory limit is
2 weeks so the period in the contract is a moral agreement only, although
this is taken more eriously in Japan than elsewhere. We also discussed the
exec agreement concept which they think will not work but are reviewing the
wording with their lawyers.

Clause 19. Although in the template, they would recommend including it as
part of the normal terms and conditions so we need to wait for their comments
on the exec agreement.

They are revising template for tomorrow morning.

Work Rules

Fairly standard and not required initially. They are working on a draft for
us to review and comment on.

Benefits including Pension

They agree with our selection of benefits although they recommend a lump sum
allowance type all employee pension plan which is a book reserve which pays
out on termination based on salary and length of service. This is very
common and supplements the Government pension scheme. This would in in
addition to SRAP and they are sending me more details.


Corporate/Employment Filings. They mentioned that there are a number of
filing requirements that need to be done to get businesses underway. Do we
know what we have doen to date on this front?

Options. Although these schemes are common there is a lot of legal prep work
involved so I intend to see if Enron Corp HR has started this with Japn, if
not I will get it rolling.

Expat Contracts. They would like to review our expat contract terms, can you
provide these or do I have them?

I will call you to discuss. Ihave another conference call with them tomorrow