Enron Mail

To:michelle.cash@enron.com, lizzette.palmer@enron.com, a..knudsen@enron.com,margaret.daffin@enron.com
Subject:FW: Breaking Immigration News - State Department Visa Appointments
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 09:15:44 -0800 (PST)

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FYI - Please see below.

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Best Regards,
International Human Resources
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< The Department of State has advised that it is temporarily:
< 1) Suspending the on-line nonimmigrant visa appointment system and the 900
< number appointments for third country national (TCN) processing at border
< posts as of 11/16/01. It appears that the suspension is across the board
< for all nationalities at the moment.
< 2) Notifying those with appointments to postpone their trip until the
< impact of the applicants' departure from the U.S. is confirmed with the
< INS.
< This action is the State Department's response to concerns that applicants
< at border posts have no way of knowing if 22 CFR 41.112(d) will still be
< applied to the supposed list of 26 countries whose nationals are subject
< to additional clearances, as reported in the press last week but treated
< as classified information by DOS. Please note that more than the 26
< countries reported may be involved.
< According to DOS, the Visa Office will contact the INS today to follow up
< on the impact of the policy on applications for reentry into the U.S.
< after a visa application at a border post. AILA is advocating that at
< least normal procedures apply. Normal procedures would involve two trips
< to the consulate: the first resulting in a 221(g) denial while clearance
< is pending. Then the applicant, if eligible, could return to the U.S.
< under 22 CFR 41.112(d). Once the clearance is completed, the applicant
< would then return to the consulate. At the moment, it is unclear whether
< this existing policy will apply and we have been warned that it may not.
< In light of this uncertainty, care must be taken that applicants are not
< stranded in Mexico or Canada.
< The DOS Visa Office also advises that it is increasing staff for
< revalidation of visas due to the increasing workload caused by this policy
< change and by the holidays.