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Enron Mail |
When can all 3 of us meet regarding this e-mail? Thanks, Hector McLoughlin Enron Human Resources Ph: 713-853-6703 --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=RHERNDO< To: McLoughlin, Hector </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Hmclough< Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 4:42:05 GMT Subject: Hector - I have been out of the office and just received this. Your thoughts? Should we just give Mike a Severance Package? Rogers -----Original Message----- From: Kim, Michael Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 9:29 AM To: Herndon, Rogers Cc: 'mkim@kingwoodcable.com' Subject: Please Read This Message--Your Action is Warranted Importance: High Sensitivity: Confidential Mr. Herndon, I met with Messrs Hector McLoughlin and Scott Mills on Friday. Per Mr. McLoughlin, my position in your group has not "materialized," which is not an elimination of position. I was offered 30 days (calendar days) to look for a position within Enron, and, at the conclusion of that period, if I do not secure a position, I would be given one month of pay for a separation agreement. [The terms of the separation agreement was not presented to me.] The meeting was intimidating and humiliating. Mr. McLoughlin stated that the management (Beth Apollo and Scott Mills) is giving me this ultimatum. I am about to be unemployed in a depressed economy with one month of pay. None of the participants in the Friday meeting was able to clarify the difference between elimination of a position versus a position that did not "materialize." Perhaps you can explain the difference to me. I believe ordinary and prudent Americans would see this as an elimination my job at Enron. Query: Can you tell me why my position in your group has been eliminated? Query: Why am I being treated differently versus some of the other members of Risk Analysis such as Brian Butler, who was awarded a position in your group? Why am I not offered the standard severance package but given an abbreviated version? Simply, why am I not treated fairly? Query: Do you believe I have been treated fairly? My position with a commercial organization has been eliminated, and I am a pariah in commercial support organization. I do not have a fair chance at year-end PRC even if I land a position at Enron. I face an uncertain future near the end of the year in an highly uncertain and depressed economy without employment. What I rightfully deserve as a loyal employee of Enron for the past three and a half years is what other Enron employees are entitled to and have received. I do not see a single shred of reason why I should be treated differently than other employees of Enron. I believe I deserve the standard severance package that other Enron employees receive when their position has been eliminated. Finally, I would like to present some thoughts before I close. Mr. McLoughlin mentioned the term, "employment at-will." Yes, I understand what that term represents. I am perfectly content with that term as long as the term is interpreted and applied to me as it is interpreted and applied to other Enron employees. Yes, I am a weak person in front of mighty Enron management, but I am a human being. I deserve respect like everyone else at Enron. I believe I am due the response to my inquiry. Thank you for your time. Best regards, Michael S. Kim cc: The Files