Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: Be careful...this one is true!
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:30:10 -0700 (PDT)

----- Original Message -----
From: "gregorys" <gregorys@houston.rr.com<
To: "wendy koy" <dkoy6166@aol.com<; "Theresa, etc. at home"
<tmtn@earthlink.net<; "Tammy&Jay Vyas" <tjvyas@mediaone.net<; "Suzanne
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Brown" <brown_adam@dao.co.harris.tx.us<
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 11:11 PM
Subject: Be careful...this one is true!

< Don't go to the bathroom on October 28th.
< CIA intelligence reports that a major plot is planned for that day.
< Anyone who takes a poop on the 28th will be bitten on the ass by an
< alligator. Reports indicate that organized groups of alligators are
< planning to rise up into unsuspecting American's toilet bowls and bite
< them when they are doing their dirty business.
< I usually don't send emails like this, but I got this information from
< a reliable source. It came from a friend of a friend whose cousin is
< dating this girl whose brother knows this guy whose wife knows this lady
< whose
< husband buys hot dogs from this guy who knows a shoeshine guy who shines
< the shoes of a mailroom worker who has a friend who's drug dealer sells
< drugs to another mailroom worker who works in the CIA building. He
< apparently overheard two guys talking in the bathroom about alligators
< and came to the conclusion that we are going to be attacked.
< So it must be true.