Enron Mail

To:karen.denne@enron.com, mary.clark@enron.com, exec.jones@enron.com
Subject:RE: A few questions about the scripts
Cc:david.oxley@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com, terrie.james@enron.com,amy.fitzpatrick@enron.com
Bcc:david.oxley@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com, terrie.james@enron.com,amy.fitzpatrick@enron.com
Date:Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:19:23 -0800 (PST)

Karen - RE the Q below -
Will I still receive severance if the company files bankruptcy?
Draft Answer - It is unlikely that severance payments would be continued. Current or former employees of a bankrupt entity are generally considered as unsecured creditors, in line with other unsecured creditors. Employee claims will generally be represented through a court designated trustee.

-----Original Message-----
From: Denne, Karen
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 8:40 AM
To: Johnson, Rick; Clark, Mary; Jones, Robert W.- HR Exec
Cc: Oxley, David; Cash, Michelle; James, Terrie
Subject: RE: A few questions about the scripts

Thanks for the info, Rick. We also need to add one more question to the supervisor Q&A: Will I still receive severance if the company files for bankruptcy? thx. kd

-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Rick
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 8:08 AM
To: Clark, Mary; Jones, Robert W.- HR Exec
Cc: Oxley, David; Cash, Michelle; James, Terrie; Denne, Karen
Subject: RE: A few questions about the scripts

Mary, based on the most current information:
1. A&B employees will receive bonus consideration however the amount is not dependant or determined by their A / B designation. Accordingly, any mention of bonus in the scripts will need to rely on what we have said in the past, I.E. Bonus will be dependant on financial performance and employee contributions over the past year.
As result of this interpitation, Bonus, albeit a element of retention, should not be included as an inducement to retention at this time. (source - Aaron Brown)
2. The employees on the D - list are being placed on paid furlough and being terminated at a known date in the future. That period of earning calculated to be a severance plan offset. Employees who work up to their specific term date ( C-list) will be receiving their normal pay; then their severance pay, without a severance plan offset. Michelle Cash is working with Pat Mackin to define the severance plan features that will govern this timing and the corresponding explanations.
-----Original Message-----
From: Clark, Mary
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 6:49 PM
To: Jones, Robert W.- HR Exec
Cc: Oxley, David; Cash, Michelle; James, Terrie; Denne, Karen; Johnson, Rick
Subject: A few questions about the scripts

I have a couple of questions about the scripts that Rick Johnson sent me

1. For A and B employees, will there be bonuses. It's crossed out on the A script and left in the B script.
2. In the C script:
Please explain what a 60-day notice w/o severance plan off-set means.
When does severance go into effect for C employees? It's not clear in the script.


Mary E. Clark
Director, Internal Communications
Phone: 713-853-7325
Fax: 713-853-6790
e-mail: mary.clark@enron.com