Enron Mail

Subject:RE: New Temp IDs
Cc:twanda.sweet@enron.com, lizzette.palmer@enron.com, diane.goode@enron.com,claudia.meraz@enron.com, margaret.doucette@enron.com
Bcc:twanda.sweet@enron.com, lizzette.palmer@enron.com, diane.goode@enron.com,claudia.meraz@enron.com, margaret.doucette@enron.com
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 06:31:40 -0700 (PDT)

This is not a problem. Twanda usually makes arrangements in her instructio=
ns to the temporary so we can work around it. I agree with you that your f=
iles are highly confidential and no one should have access unless you so de=
signate. My message was a general one that went out to everyone in the dep=
artment. It's up to each individual to give access (or not) to whatever th=
ey would like a temp to use in order to support them in their Assistant's a=
bsence. We have set up the temporary ID's as per Mark Haedicke's office to=
give access mainly to calendars only in order to help the temp field phone=
calls, make appointments, and to generally let the temp know where everyon=
e is in case Mr. Haedicke is looking for someone.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cash, Michelle=20
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:01 PM
To: Spencer, Becky
Cc: Sweet, Twanda; Palmer, Lizzette; Goode, Diane; Meraz, Claudia
Subject: RE: New Temp IDs

Given the nature of what I do, no one in my group will be able to provide t=
hese types of temporary rights to documents or calendar entries. I do not =
believe that any of the other temporary ID's have access to our stuff, so I=
would think that these new IDs would be the same.
I hope that does not pose a problem, but I believe that the confidentiality=
considerations should outweigh the convenience factor for a temporary work=
Let me know if you have any questions.

-----Original Message-----=20
From: Spencer, Becky=20
Sent: Wed 10/17/2001 4:04 PM=20
To: Adams, Suzanne; Dobbs, Kristi; Doucette, Margaret; Farrell, Keegan; Gar=
cia, Nita; Garner, Joanne; George, Carolyn; Gonzalez, Esmeralda; Griffin, V=
anessa; Haldeman, Sandy; Keesler, Martha; Keiser, Holly; Martinez, MaryHele=
n; Oliver, Shirley; Rozycki, Joanne; Simmons, Linda J.; Spencer, Becky; Lai=
rd, Susan; Sweet, Twanda; Truss, Stephanie; Wright, Alice; Zarsky, Lisa; Zu=
cha, Theresa=20
Cc: Aronowitz, Alan; Blaine, Michelle; Boomer, John; Brennig, Tammy; Brownf=
eld, Gail; Bruce, Robert; Bushman, Teresa G.; Carolan, Dominic; Cash, Miche=
lle; Clark, Barton; Cook, Mary; Corbet, Nancy; Crady, Ned E.; Daniels, Eddy=
; Davis, Angela; Del vecchio, Peter; Dickson, Stacy E.; Dieball, Scott; Edi=
son, Andrew; George, Robert H.; Gray, Barbara N.; Greenberg, Mark; Gresham,=
Wayne; Hansen, Leslie; Harkness, Cynthia; Hendry, Brent; Henry, Joseph; Hi=
cks, Michelle; Hodge, Jeffrey T.; Jacobson, Kimberley; Koehler, Anne C.; Le=
ite, Francisco Pinto; Lindeman, Cheryl; Lyons, Dan; Mann, Kay; McCullough, =
Travis; Mellencamp, Lisa; Moore, Janet H.; Murphy, Harlan; Murray, Julia; N=
elson, Cheryl; Nemec, Gerald; Nettelton, Marcus; Pais, Randy; Palmer, Lizze=
tte; Portz, David; Rivera, Coralina; Robison, Michael A.; Rogers, Daniel R.=
; Rossi, Robbi; Sager, Elizabeth; Sanders, Richard B.; Sayre, Frank; Schule=
r, Lance (Legal); Schwartzenburg, John; Shackleton, Sara; Sole III, Carlos;=
St. Clair, Carol; Stoler, Lou; Taylor, Mark E (Legal); Tweed, Sheila; Van =
Hooser, Steve; Viverito, John; Alfaro, Renee; Barto, Brian D.; Bishop, Larr=
y; Costa, Cheryl; Desrochers, Jim; Haas, Merrill W.; Mahabir, Alisha; Rigby=
, John G.; Sevitz, Robert; Bailey, Susan; Boyd, Samantha; Braddy, Martha; B=
ruck, Sarah; Carnahan, Kathleen; Cooper, Tracy J. (EBS); Fitzgerald, Genia;=
Flores, Nony; Goode, Diane; Guinn, Linda R.; Heard, Marie; Hearn III, Ed B=
.; Heinitz, Mary J.; Hill, Robin; Jones, Tana; Korkmas, Deb; Mayer, Laurie;=
McNamara, Wyndel; Ogden, Mary; Panus, Stephanie; Perlingiere, Debra; Santo=
s, Claudia; Young, Kay=20
Subject: New Temp IDs

Since our department has grown, we have realized the need to add 3 new temp=
orary IDs. Following the instructions below, please add calendar access ri=
ghts for EWS Legal Temp IDs 9, 10, and 11 (as show in blue below). While do=
ing this, would you mind checking the other IDs as well to be sure they are=
listed. When logging in temporaries we have discovered that some access r=
ights work with some temp IDs, but not all. Thank you!

For Outlook users only!=20

Since we have migrated to Outlook, we have not been able to give calendar/e=
-mail access to the temporaries filling in for our department. Apparently,=
the access rights we all had set up in Lotus Notes cannot be migrated to O=
utlook. Thus, we need all attorneys and specialists to give access rights =
to all the department Temporary IDs as soon as possible. You can control h=
ow much access you would like to give, and for what. For example, you coul=
d give full revision access to your calendar and read-only for your e-mail =
or access only to your calendar and no access to your e-mail. It's up to y=

Please give access to the following IDs:=20
EWS Legal Temp 1=20
EWS Legal Temp 2=20
EWS Legal Temp 3=20
EWS Legal Temp 4=20
EWS Legal Temp 5=20
EWS Legal Temp 6=20
Note: Do not use-Temp 7 is not designated for our temporaries.=20
EWS Legal Temp 8=20
EWS Legal Temp 9=20
EWS Legal Temp 10=20
EWS Legal Temp 11=20

To set up access:=20
1. Right click on "Outlook Today" at the top of the folders list (if y=
our folders list is not visible, click on "View" and

then "Folder List")=20

2. Left Click on "Properties" at the bottom of the list that pops up=

3. Left click on the "Permissions" tab=20

4. Left click on "Add".=20
Type "EWS"-the address list will stop on our temp IDs.=20
Left click on one of the Temp ID you are adding, left click on the =
"Add" button. Repeat for each ID. (Be careful not

to add EWS Temp ID 7. This is not used for our temporaries.)=20
Left Click "OK"=20

5. You should now be back in the "properties" box. Select the first I=
D you just added, hold down the "Shift" key, then

left click all the other ID's. With all IDs now selected and not h=
olding the Shift key down, click in the boxes which

access you would like to allow the temporaries to have. (Note: Do=
not select anything that has "own" or "owner"

in it as you are the owner.) Left Click on "Apply", then "OK".=20

6. Right click on your "Calendar" folder and repeat steps 2-5 above.=

7. [Optional]. To give access to e-mail or any other folders you may =
have, right click on that folder and repeat steps

2-5 above.=20

Regarding the Legal Temp IDs, these set-up instructions need to be complete=
d only once. If your Assistant ever changes, these instructions will come i=
n handy!

Thank you for your time and patience.