Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Wellesley Interviews
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 11:52:54 -0700 (PDT)

I would prefer not to go, if someone else can take the place of me. If not, then I'll arrange to attend. I've got lots of obligations that week, which I did not know of earlier this fall. Let me know. Michelle

-----Original Message-----
From: Shoaf, Kimberly
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:43 PM
To: Benkert, Christina; Boots, Kelly H.; Cash, Michelle; DeLa Cruz, Belinda; Fraser, Jennifer; Haghighat, Neeloofar; Haque, Fariha; Heu, Mog; Kanji, Ayesha; Khanova, Sona; Mahan, Mariella; Marshall, Carol Jean; Mrha, Jean; Rank, Sabina; Shoaf, Kimberly; You, Dale; Patrick, Christie; Reed, Andrea V.; Shim, Elizabeth; Hellerman, Molly
Cc: Payton, Patricia; Bourgeois-Galloway, Hilda; Jones, Melissa
Subject: Wellesley Interviews

The schedule for interviews at Wellesley are as follows:

November 4 - Pre-interview Reception
Jen Frasier
Carol Marshall
Kelly Boots
Michelle Cash
Sabina Rank (Greeter)
Mog Chu-Yang-Heu (Greeter)

November 5 - 1st round Interviews - 2 Schedules
Same as above

November 6 - 2nd round interviews
Andrea Reed
Cindy Olson
Mariella Mahan
Ayesha Kanji (Greeter)
Sona Khanova (Greeter)

We currently have 19 interviews scheduled. Our schedule closing date is Oct 24, we will receive the schedules at that time and they will be distributed to the interviewers.
Please rsvp that you are still available for those dates.