Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Outstanding items for GSP
Date:Tue, 19 Jun 2001 06:41:37 -0700 (PDT)

I have a conference call scheduled between myself, Dusty Burke and Hewitt today at 2:30 regarding Enron's 410(b) variable. I expect that following this call, Dusty will be able to provide you all with what you need. I'd still like to talk with you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Barrow, Cynthia
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 7:20 AM
Cc: Howe, David; Faucheaux, Louis J.; Serrano, Racquel
Subject: RE: Outstanding items for GSP

See attached that was sent to you 6/15/01. Ann, I think you and I need to talk. Can you give me a call at 713 853 6891.

(Michelle -- this needs to come from ENA or GSP not Enron Corp. Benefits. I do not have authorization to sign documents such as this.)

<< File: RE LLC Action appointing Trustee of GSP Pension Plan.rtf <<

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 6:13 PM
To: Barrow, Cynthia; Howe, David; Faucheaux, Louis J.; Serrano, Racquel
Cc: Edison, Andrew; Murray, Julia; Cash, Michelle
Subject: Outstanding items for GSP

We are checking the status of two documents sent to you last week:

(1) GSP LLC Action approving Merrill Lynch as Trustee. This was sent to David and Cynthia on June 14th and needs to be signed by the appropriate person at Enron (we understand that Enron is the sole member of GSP, LLC).

(2) Pension Investors Corp Intake Form. This was sent to Louis and David on June 14th and needs to be completed and e-mailed or faxed to me or Pension Investors Corp.

Please return both documents as soon as possible.


Ann E. Murray
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae
50 N. Laura St. Suite 2800
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Telephone: (904) 630-5336
Fax: (904) 353-1673
E-mail: amurray@llgm.com

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