Enron Mail

To:'clark@enron.com, eugene.clark@ssmb.com
Subject:RE: Retention Agreement
Cc:'.'donnelly@enron.com, '.'arber@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com
Bcc:'.'donnelly@enron.com, '.'arber@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com
Date:Thu, 20 Dec 2001 16:07:50 -0800 (PST)


John D and I discussed getting draft retention agreements faxed to me for the top 15 tomorrow morning. A few of the numbers have changed and I would anticipate will change further after John Lavorato and Louise Kitchen begin serious discussions. With that in mind I propose that we work from faxed copies initially and when I have a clear understanding they are ready to sign I will send you a email or voicemail and ask you to send down an original in executable form (bearing in mind this may much later if it turns out you do not become our initial partner prior to auction).

Anyhow, here are the names and latest numbers:

cash r.stock
Hunter Shively 1250000 1250000
Tim Belden 1250000 1250000
John Arnold 1250000 1250000
Mike Swerzbin 750000 750000
Fletch Sturm 750000 750000
Matt Motley 750000 750000
Philip Allen 750000 750000
Rob Milnthorp 750000 750000
Chris Calger 750000 750000
Kevin Presto 750000 750000
Dana Davis 750000 750000
Rob Benson 700000 700000
John Zufferli 650000 650000
Mike Grigsby 500000 500000
Mike Maggi 500000 500000

My personal office confidential fax number is 713-646-4723. As an aside, it may be too late but it may be good if we can insert some wording in the letter about honoring Enron service for vacation and benefits vesting.

