Enron Mail

Subject:AESOP 2000 - Country Summaries
Date:Sat, 17 Jun 2000 02:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

Twanda, please print this and attachment. Thanks. Michelle

----- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 06/17/2000 09:18 AM -----

Kelly Noel Higgason@ENRON
06/07/2000 02:21 PM

To: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jana Domke/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: AESOP 2000 - Country Summaries

I got the answer to the voicemail message I left for you about which lawyer
would be the contact for the Enron Europe countries for the new Enron
employee stock option plan. Jon Chapman will be responsible for Norway,
Poland, Spain, Sweden and Turkey (and any other Enron Europe countries that
are added between now and December). I assume you are the appropriate lawyer
for Mexico. (If not, please forward this message to the right lawyer, and cc
me so that I know who it is!) Please read the message below for an
explanation of the first action item (due June 23rd). The Mexico spreadsheet
is contained in the file marked "CALME AESOP" at the end of Jana's message.
Thanks for your help!

----- Forwarded by Kelly Noel Higgason/Corp/Enron on 06/07/2000 01:14 PM -----

Kelly Noel Higgason
06/07/2000 01:14 PM

To: Jon Chapman/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Melissa Laing/LON/ECT@ECT, Jana Domke/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: AESOP 2000 - Country Summaries

I was in a meeting this morning concerning the new Enron employee stock
option plan that will be implemented at the end of this year, and Melissa
Laing (who participated by telephone) informed me that you were the lawyer to
support Enron Europe HR on this project. I recently joined the Enron Corp.
legal staff from Enron International legal. My role in this project is to
coordinate the international legal support for the new option plan. As such,
I have contacted lawyers in various international business units to work with
local counsel in each of the countries in which Enron has employees who will
participate in the plan, to ensure that the plan does not run afoul of any
legal restrictions. Based on current information (which is likely to change
between now and December, per Melissa Laing), the relevant countries in the
Enron Europe group are Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. In the
attachment labeled "asiapac" at the end of Jana Domke's message, you will
find spreadsheets for all five of the Enron Europe companies. Please review
(with local counsel, if necessary) the information in the "Legal Compliance"
section of each spreadsheet to confirm that the information therein is
accurate. Please forward any changes or comments to me and Jana Domke (Jana
has requested that the review be complete by June 23rd). The Public
Relations department is currently preparing the written material that will
communicate the details of the plan to the participating employees. When
that is available, I will send it to you so that you may make any
modifications that are necessary to comply with local laws in each of the
Enron Europe countries. The communication documents will be available in
English, Spanish, Portuguese, German and Greek. Please call me at
713-853-5698 with any questions. Thank you for your assistance!

----- Forwarded by Kelly Noel Higgason/Corp/Enron on 06/07/2000 12:57 PM -----

Jana Domke
06/02/2000 04:13 PM

Chatham/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott
Higgason/Corp/Enron@Enron, Miguel Padron/SA/Enron@Enron, Ranendra
cc: Jane Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pam Butler/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Timothy
Michael Feuerbacher/Corp/Enron@Enron, Tony Jarrett/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila
Subject: AESOP 2000 - Country Summaries

If you attended the recent AESOP meeting, you are aware that the approval for
establishing an Enron AESOP 2000 Program was granted by the Executive
Committee on April 6, 2000. In most instances, the plan design replicates
the prior Plan parameters. However, on an international basis, there have
been numerous regulatory and legislative changes which may impact this

Attached are individual Country Summary Highlights which consolidate the
various accounting/tax/legal/banking/human resource, etc. details and issues
into one document. This consolidated document is based not only on
information gleaned from the previous AESOP inplementation, but it also
reflects the most recent local tax changes - at least based upon the
information we have here.

Because successful Plan implementation and rollout is predicated upon solid
information, understanding and interpretation, we need your assistance.
Please coordinate review of the your appropriate country documents with your
local financial, legal, tax and/or other professionals, as required. We want
to ensure that AESOP incents our employees and reinforces the "One ENRON"
philosophy - but at the same time, we need to ensure this program is cost
effective, tax efficient, legally defensible and culturally acceptable in
your areas of responsibility.

Please document any specific issues and/or concerns, and where appropriate,
provide input on viable options, corrective action, etc.. Also, if you have
plans to be in other foreign locations prior to AESOP implementation and they
need to be included, please advise ASAP. Please send your responses via
e-mail to either Dung Huynh or myself or by fax to (713) 646-7203. If you
have questions or if you need to discuss further, please call me @ (713)
345-6142. Our timeline is tight so would appreciate your responses at the
latest by June 23rd - earlier if possible.

Once we have the input, we'll roll this information up into a revised Summary
Document, identifying issues that need further assessment/discussion and move
forward to coordiinate final resolution with the AESOP team members.

Appreciate your assistance!

Regards/Jana Domke & Dung Huynh

PS - I apologize ahead of time for not getting all the countries correctly
sorted by region. You may need to extrapolate your specific locations from
one or more of the following attachments.
