Enron Mail

To:dolores.lenfest@enron.com, fmackin@aol.com, rick.johnson@enron.com
Subject:Fwd: Employee Benefits Due Diligence
Date:Sun, 9 Jul 2000 12:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dee/Pat/Rick: Here is the diligence memo. Michelle
---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 07/09/2000 07:13
PM ---------------------------

"GEORGE T. LEE" <GTLEE@LLGM.COM< on 07/09/2000 07:07:28 PM
To: <MICHELLE.cash@enron.com<
Subject: Fwd: Employee Benefits Due Diligence

Michelle, attached is our June 22nd due diligence memo that we thought we had
forwarded to Dolores Linfest. Perhaps we did not have a correct e-mail
address. Please call me at 713-287-2066 if you have any questions.

This e-mail, including attachments, contains information that is confidential
and it may be protected by the attorney/client or other priviliges. This
e-mail, including attachments, constitutes non-public information intended to
be conveyed only to the designated recipient(s). If you are not an intentded
recipient, please delete this e-mail, including attachments, and notify me by
return mail, e-mail or at 713-287-2066. The unauthorized use, dissemination,
distribution or reproduction of this e-mail, including attachments is
prohibited and may be unlawful. George T. Lee, gtlee@llgm.com.
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 09:04:50 -0400
To: <Dolores.Lenfest@enron.com<
Subject: Employee Benefits Due Diligence
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=_FEA6A3D5.A5C4E8A4"

Ms. Lenfest,

Benjamin Clark requested that we forward the attached employee benefits due
diligence directly to you. As you will note from the highlighted text, the
information provided thus far raises numerous questions relating to employee
benefits matters.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Ann Murray


This e-mail, including attachments, contains information that is confidential
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protected by the attorney/client or other privileges. This e-mail, including
constitutes non-public information intended to be conveyed only to the
designated recipient(s). If
you are not an intended recipient, please delete this e-mail, including
attachments, and notify me
by return mail, e-mail or at (904) 630-5336. The unauthorized use,
dissemination, distribution or reproduction of this e-mail, including
attachments, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

Ann E. Murray
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae
50 N. Laura St. Suite 2800
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 630-5336

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