Enron Mail

Subject:RE: nextlaw
Date:Tue, 30 May 2000 12:38:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi, Kelly,

Yes, I probably am the person to contact on this. In fact, I am getting
ready to circulate a draft data protection policy that would put Enron in
compliance with EU directives. Look for it in the next few days!


Kelly Noel Higgason@ENRON
05/19/2000 03:13 PM

To: Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Sharon Butcher/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: RE: nextlaw

It occurred to me as I sent the message below to Michael Brown that you may
be the lawyer I need to coordinate with. Is that true?
---------------------- Forwarded by Kelly Noel Higgason/Corp/Enron on
05/19/2000 03:08 PM ---------------------------

Kelly Noel Higgason
05/19/2000 03:11 PM
To: Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Sharon Butcher/Corp/Enron@ENRON

Subject: RE: nextlaw

Please see message below in which Christopher Millard of Clifford Chance
indicates that a project that CC is working on with Enron Europe may involve
subscription to the Nextlaw subscription service. Sharon Butcher and I are
working on a project for Enron Corp. HR that requires research on data
protection laws in the various countries in which Enron has employees. It is
likely that we will subscribe to Clifford Chance's Nextlaw service, a
database of data protection legislation in various countries. One of the
advantages of Nextlaw is that it is a more cost-effective approach than
engaging local counsel in each jurisdiction to provide the legal research,
and subscribers are entitled to quarterly updates of the information on the
database during the annual subscription period. At the end of my message to
Christopher, please see the list of countries that we need information
about. My guess is that any of the jurisdictions you need are covered. If
so, I would propose to Christopher that if (as I anticipate) Enron Corp.
subscribes to Nextlaw for the project Sharon and I are working on, Enron
Europe should be entitled to access and use the information for the other
project Christopher references. We certainly don't want Enron to pay for the
subscription service twice! Please tell me which lawyer in your group I
should include in discussions. Thanks
---------------------- Forwarded by Kelly Noel Higgason/Corp/Enron on
05/19/2000 02:23 PM ---------------------------

Christopher.Millard@CliffordChance.com on 05/19/2000 01:55:23 PM
To: Kelly.Noel.Higgason@enron.com
cc: Sharon.Butcher@enron.com, Ben.Ebdon@CliffordChance.com

Subject: RE: nextlaw


Very good to hear from you after all this time. Enron's subscription to
NextLaw has indeed expired, though we are starting to do some data
protection work with Enron Europe and were planning to show them NextLaw
soon as we believe it would be very useful to them. In the meantime, I would
be pleased to talk with you and Sharon on Monday at 09.00 Houston time about
how we might assist you with your new project.

We have indeed expanded the coverage of our NextLaw service over the last
few months. Of the 29 jurisdictions you list below, 17 are now covered by
NextLaw. Don't quote me on this but, to my knowledge, of the remaining 12
only Columbia has a data protection law which is currently in force and
Canada has a new law which is not yet in force.

I am copying this to my colleague Ben Ebdon in our Clifford Chance Online
group in the hope that he will be able to join us on the call on Monday.

In the meantime, I hope you have a good weekend.

Best regards

Christopher Millard, Clifford Chance
Limited Liability Partnership
200 Aldersgate Street, London, EC1A 4JJ, England
Voice: +44 20 7956 0023 / Fax: +44 20 7600 5555
Email: christopher.millard@cliffordchance.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly.Noel.Higgason@enron.com
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 5:41 PM
To: christopher.millard@cliffordchance.com
Cc: Sharon.Butcher@enron.com
Subject: nextlaw

You may remember me from our conversations about 18 months ago, which
resulted in Enron subscribing to Clifford Chance's Nextlaw subscription
service. Enron's annual subscription lasped several months ago, but we are
in need of similar services again for a different HR project. Enron senior
management has tasked the HR department with the creation of an internal
"expert directory" with which all Enron employees can identify other Enron
employees who have specific skills (such as language capabilities,
experience with particular kinds of projects, political contacts, etc.)
that may be useful for new intiatives. As you can imagine, the data that
must be collected from all Enron employees worldwide is significantly more
complex than the information we were gathering from international employees
when we engaged your firm previously. We would now like legal advice about
what consents must be obtained from employees in various foreign
jurisdictions in order to collect and publish the information, whether
certain information gathered must be requested on a voluntary basis (and
conversely, what information we can require that employees provide), etc.
[Please note that all information to be requested will be collected for
business purposes (our internal legal department has already informed HR
and management that certain information about personal interests, hobbies,
and non-professional memberships should not be collected or asked for.)]

I am hopeful that in the time since we last spoke, your firm has added
additional jurisdictions to the subscription service, since many of the
countries in which we have employees were not on the database in early
1999. I will list the jurisdictions that are relevant for this project at
the end of this message; however, in certain jurisdictions, Enron has only
a few employees, and we may elect not to include those employees in the
expert directory if we determine that the cost of the legal research for
that jurisdiction is not justified by the benefit to Enron. I am also
wondering whether the information included in the database is sufficient
for this more complicated project.

My colleague, Sharon Butcher, and I would like to discuss our new
project with you to see if Clifford Chance is again willing and able to
provide the local research that we require, and to get an estimate of the
cost involved. We were hoping to call you at 9:00 am Houston time on
Monday, May 22nd. Please let me know if this time is not convenient, and
we will arrange for another call. I can be reached by telephone
(713-853-5698), fax (713-646-5847), or email (kelly.noel.higgason@enron).
I hope you are well, and look forward to our work together.


Kelly Noel Higgason

Puerto Rico
Russian Federation
United Kingdom

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