Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Patrick McCarthy Memo Regarding Thruway Recycling
Cc:twanda.sweet@enron.com, julia.murray@enron.com
Bcc:twanda.sweet@enron.com, julia.murray@enron.com
Date:Wed, 20 Sep 2000 15:19:00 -0700 (PDT)

CPage: Would you please forward this directly to Pat?

Pat, For your information, Chris Tomko has resigned from GSP. GSP has hired
a consultant, Hoyt Thomas (who has been working as an Enron HR consultant for
a few weeks), to handle interim HR responsibilities until GSP hires a new HR
person. I suspect that you will be involved in a lot of advice/counselling
in the next few weeks as this transition occurs. If you are available on
Friday, I would like to have a phone introduction of you and Hoyt. Would
you please call my assistant, Twanda Sweet, at 713-853-6401, to let her know
your availability so that she can set up a conference call? Thanks a lot.

Twanda, would you please set this up when Pat calls?


cpage@phks.com on 09/20/2000 01:04:55 PM
To: michelle.cash@enron.com, marty.blick@enron.com
cc: pmccarthy@phks.com
Subject: Patrick McCarthy Memo Regarding Thruway Recycling

Pat McCarthy asked me to forward the enclosed memo.

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