Enron Mail

Subject:Use of Enron's name in GSP recruiting
Date:Tue, 5 Dec 2000 16:00:00 -0800 (PST)

please print this plus attachments and file in Garden State file. Thanks.

---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 12/05/2000 11:53
PM ---------------------------

HThomas@gspcorp.com on 11/03/2000 01:48:00 PM
To: david.howe@enron.com, marty.blick@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com
cc: david.oxley@enron.com, fran.l.mayes@enron.com
Subject: Use of Enron's name in GSP recruiting

Gentlemen, Michelle Cash in Legal has reviewed the engineering advertisement

that we put together for campus and had the comments below. Michelle is
concerned about how much we tie Enron into the document.

I revised the document as Michelle suggested, see engradv3. It does not
quite the flow that the preceding document had.

Let's discuss this document next week when we are all in New Jersey. David,
might want to talk to Michelle about the bigger issue of keeping Enron's
separate from GSP, her phone number is 853.6401

______________________________ Forward Header
Subject: Re: campus recruiting
Author: "Michelle.Cash@enron.com" <SMTP:Michelle.Cash@enron.com< at
Date: 11/3/00 12:12 PM

I agree with the issue of de-emphasizing Enron in the communications. I
would suggest that the communication, as written, could be used to imply
that the candidate would be an Enron employee. If possible, we should say
that GSP is an LLC that currently is owned 100% by Enron, because, as I
understand it, Enron is going to sell down portions of that facility.
Thus, I want to manage the expectations that the person would be an "Enron"

Could you please forward this message?

Thanks. Michelle

HThomas@gspcorp.com on 11/03/2000 06:22:00 AM

To: david.oxley@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com,
Subject: campus recruiting

David, Michelle, Fran, see the following. Michelle, once you have
your discussion with David Howe about the Enron influence, perhaps we
need to have some writeup that states what we should say and what we
should not say.


______________________________ Forward Header
Subject: campus recruiting
Author: Hoyt H. Thomas at GARFIELD
Date: 11/3/00 7:17 AM

Jim Burkhead: Dave (Syracuse) and Marty (Miami Ohio) are both going to
campus on the 14th. If you could move your date at Maine up to that
week from the 29th, then we could convene after all three interview
trips and decide who we want to bring on-site.

I propose (based on Marty's suggestion) that we try to bring all our
leading candidates in for a mill visit on the same day (or perhaps one
day for Dec grads and one day for May grads, if we get that many
interested candidates), preferably the last week of November. It will
be a busy day, but then we can knock it all out then.

Regarding your campus visits, we are looking for at least two process
engineers, December grads are fine (actually preferred at the present
time), and we should also look at environmental engineers if they are
available at the school you are visiting. In order to hire two
process engineers, we probably have to bring eight in for a mill

Margo, is there any way we can get some GSPCLLC brochures or handouts
for Jim, Mary and Dave to use on campus?

FYI, Houston Legal is recommending that we do not emphasize the Enron
connection. I think that we are probably okay with the reference to Enron
the attached blurb that Marty and Dave put together (attached) but let's
suggesting to candidates that they can hire on here and then move into
Jim and Marty, when you send the attached doc to campus, you might want to
your name at the bottom in addition to Dave's to make sure that the

know that they can contact you.

David Howe and Mike Parker, do you want to go to any of these campus

Thanks, Hoyt

______________________________ Forward Header
Subject: Re[2]: Process Engineer
Author: David Freeswick at GARFIELD
Date: 11/3/00 12:31 AM


I'm scheduled at Syracuse Nov 14.


______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: Process Engineer
Author: Hoyt H. Thomas at GARFIELD
Date: 11/1/00 7:29 PM

Dave, do you have a date set up? Let's talk. go ahead and send it to

Jim Burkhead is working on Maine, i have to call Rutgers and NJIT.
But I would really like to find 2 Dec grads from the paper schools if
we could.


______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Process Engineer
Author: David Freeswick at GARFIELD
Date: 10/30/00 4:05 PM

I believe the attached document is the final version for the process
engineering position. Please review it. If it looks OK I would like to
send it off to Syracuse to be posted in the Pulp and Paper Science
Department. I will schedule a recruiting trip there in November.

Is anyone going to Maine or Rutgers/NJIT?


(See attached file: engradv2.doc)
(See attached file: Forward.txt)

- engradv3.doc
- Forward.txt