Enron Mail

Subject:FW: FCPA Training for EIM
Date:Sun, 15 Jul 2001 09:12:18 -0700 (PDT)

FYI, if you didn't get this already. Michelle

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Murray, Julia =20
Sent:=09Friday, July 13, 2001 4:23 PM
To:=09Aguilar, Darrell; Aguilar, Elsa; Allen, Zachary; Amo, Lou; Araoz, Jai=
me; Asterman, Tim; Baldwin, Jeffrey; Barnes, Ronald; Battaglia, Tim; Battar=
bee, Matthew; Bechmann, Charles; Bergen, Bob; Berger, Geoffrey; Bhatia, Om;=
Bieser, Art; Biggerstaff, Finley; Blaylock, John; Bob, Winston; Bonner, El=
liot; Bookman, Ester; Booth, Valerie; Boudreaux, Jay; Bowen Jr., Raymond; B=
riskey, Darralyn; Brown, Bill W.; Brown, Stanton; Bruce-Jones, Tom; Bruch, =
Greg; Bryja, James; Burgher, Cedric; Burkhart, Paul; Burlison, Joe; Carriza=
l-Moulinet, Rosie; Carter, Karen E.; Carter, Melissa; Carter, Sylvia; Castl=
eman, Kent; Causholli, Monika; Cavazos, Brandon; Chance, Debbie; Charbonnea=
u, Chris; Chavez, Gabriel; Chen, Will; Chenoweth, Christopher; Cockrell, Ra=
inier; Coker, Ron; Colpean, Amanda; Comeaux, Clinton; Conner, Andrew R.; Co=
nnor, Eric; Cordesman, Kevin; Cose, Simon; Coulter, Jodi; Crane, Bob; Croom=
, Chris; Csikos, Lisa; Culver, Matt; Cyprow, Jarrod; Daniel, John; Davis , =
Chris ; Davis, Del; Deadwyler, Erik; Determeyer, Peggy; Deveau, Helene; Dic=
kson, Melia; Dimitry, Dirk; Durr, Deborah P.; Dutton, Cassandra S.; Epstein=
, Jay; Ernst, Nicholas; Everett, Brenda; Farace, Craig; Fiandt, Terri; Fitz=
gerald, James; Ford, Shawna; Forster, Avril; Foster, Craig; Garcia, Micheal=
; Garza, Lydia; Giarratano, Michael; Gregory, Paul; Groth, Magnus; Hamilton=
, Daniel; Haney, Lori; Hanks, Paul D.; Hanson, Kristen J.; Hark, John; Herm=
ans, Greg; Herrick Jr., Donald W.; Hiddleston, Craig; Hoang, Charlie; Holla=
nder, Corey; Holmes, Martin; Holt, Chris; Holzer, Eric; Hutchinson, Elizabe=
th; Ihrig, Chad; Jacobsen, John; Jose, Maricar; Kabel, Jeff; Kaiser, Cheryl=
; Kang, Daniel; Kathol, Sherri; Kattner, Janine; Keenan, Sean; King, Wendy;=
Kirchhofer, Brad; Klein, Stephen; Kristal, Yana; Krohn, Todd; Lafave, Jill=
; Leclaire, Maxime; Lindeman, Cheryl; Lipsett, Roy; Malcolm, Rodney; Mao, L=
ydia; Mao, Shari; Marshall, Carol Jean; Martin, Letha; Mathieu, Tom; Maxwel=
l, David; Mayes, Fran; McClendon, Lisa; Mccormick, George; Mccrory, Ian; Mc=
Dowell, Doug; McFee, Kerry; McKone, Tim; McMahon, Jeffrey; Messer, Bruno; M=
estci, Karaca; Milan, Liz; Moreno, Douglas V.; Morris, Stella L.; Moscoso, =
Michael E.; Mulrooney, Tammy L.; Mundim, Milson; Newton, Jerry; Ng, Annie; =
Noel, Thierry; Nutt, Jeff; O'Donnell, Kevin; OKeeffe, Justin; Parsons, Doug=
las; Patel, Adnan; Patel, Sanjay; Pedroza, Esthela; Perez, Eugenio; Pernot,=
Catherine; Poole, Thomas Mark; Ravji, Neville; Ray, Stanton; Reed, Andrea =
V.; Rehman, Shiraz; Repole, Gianpiero; Richard, Robert; Rickard, Craig; Ril=
ey, Jennifer; Rios, Jason; Roberts, Cuthbert; Robinson, Richard T.; Ruder, =
Romney; Ruiz, Carlos; Saltiel, Robert; Schaefer, Kenton; Scheuer, Robert; B=
lumenthal, Jeff; Bradford, William S.; Cash, Michelle; Clark, Morris; Colli=
ns Jr., Harry M.; Curry, Ken; Del vecchio, Peter; Douglas, Stephen H.; Kork=
mas, Deb; Lyons, Dan; North, Carol; Rajaram, Aparna; Sayre, Frank; Seaworth=
, Douglas; Seksaria, Rahul; Sengele, Julia; Sfikas, Thomas; Shackleton, Sar=
a; Siewert, Philip; Silva, Linda; Singh, Vikram; Smolar, Gregory; Spencer, =
Cindy; Stapley, Cecil; Stoler, Lou; Sullivan, Christine; Sweeney, Kevin; Ta=
garopulos, Dimitri; Talley, Darin; Tamm, Mike; Taylor, Abigail; Taylor, Cha=
rles A - HR; Ueckert, Allen W.; Vanlandingham, Jennifer; Varma, Sanjaya; Ve=
lez, Ana Mae; Velez, Luis; Wales, Stacey; Wang, Anne; West, Andy; Wierbicki=
, Paul; Wilder, Wesley; Wilson, Andrew; Wood, Shelly; Wright, Glenn; Wu, Al=
lan; Wu, Nelson; Yoho, Lisa; Zacouras, Nick
Cc:=09Adams, Suzanne; Alcantara, Ana; Baldwin, Sherri; Barba, Juan; Brandli=
, Christina; Castillo, Brenda; Castillo, Rosie; Chanaba, Nyree; Craig, Brae=
di; Davis, Tammie; English, Patricia; Escamilla, Grisela; Ford, Sue; Griffi=
n, Vanessa; Gutierrez, Laura; Haldeman, Sandy; Keesler, Martha; Lopez, Vick=
ie; Mitchell, Luann; Morado, Christina; Moreno, Ana; Reyna, Sarah; Rozycki,=
Joanne; Schiller, Marsha; Serwin, Rebecca; Spencer, Becky; Sweet, Twanda; =
Trevino, Dora; Truss, Stephanie; Warner, Geriann; Watson, Jennifer; Weldon,=
Subject:=09FCPA Training for EIM

=09We will be conducting one-hour training sessions regarding U.S. Foreign =
Corrupt Trade Practices Act ("FCPA"), U.S. Trade Sanction Laws and U.S. Ant=
i-Boycott Laws at the following times in EB5C2:

=09Tuesday, July 24, 2001=0910:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
=093:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

=09Tuesday, July 31, 2001=0910:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
=093:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

=09This training is designed for traders, originators, accountants, lawyers=
, back and mid-office support and anyone who deals with foreign government =
officials or foreign consultants to give them the ability to spot FCPA issu=
es and know when to contact the Legal Department concerning these often sub=
tle events and issues. Michelle Blaine, an attorney with the Enron Wholesa=
le Services Legal Department who conducts this training for Enron worldwide=
, will make these presentations.

=09We are conducting the training for both Enron Industrial Markets and Enr=
on Global Markets.

=09You will be able to go into the site: http://elm.enron.com beginning Mon=
day, July 16, 2001 and register for one of the sessions under "FCPA/Trade S=
anction Laws", which will be listed under the Corporate Compliance Category=

=09Should you have any questions, you can contact Carolyn George at Ext. 33=
439 or at carolyn.george@enron.com.

=09Also, please feel free to forward this invitation to others who could be=
nefit from this training.

Julia Heintz Murray
Managing Director and General Counsel
Enron Wholesale Services
Enron Industrial Markets LLC
1400 Smith Street, EB3838
Houston, Texas 77002
Phone: 713/853-3439 Fax: 713/646-3393