Enron Mail

Date:Wed, 19 Sep 2001 08:45:57 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hitchcock, Dorie =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, September 19, 2001 9:36 AM
To:=09Adams, Suzanne; Apasu, Yao; Arap, Sami; Aronowitz, Alan; Asmus, Debor=
ah; Blaine, Michelle; Boomer, John; Brownfeld, Gail; Bruce, Robert; Bushman=
, Teresa G.; Calo, Andrea; Carolan, Dominic; Cash, Michelle; Castano, Maria=
nne; Clark, Barton; Cook, Mary; Corbet, Nancy; Cortez, Michael; Crady, Ned =
E.; Culver, Deborah; Daniels, Eddy; Darmitzel, Paul; Davis, Angela; Del vec=
chio, Peter; Dickson, Stacy E.; Dietrich, Sarah; Donovan, Elisa; Edison, An=
drew; Elbertson, Janette; Erwin, Kenton; Essandoh, Edwin; Evans, Mark (Lond=
on Legal); Freed, Richard; Gaffney, Chris; George, Carolyn; George, Robert =
H.; Gleason, Laurel; Gray, Barbara N.; Greenberg, Mark; Gregory, Sarah; Gre=
sham, Wayne; Haedicke, Mark E.; Hall, Steve C. (Legal); Hansen, Leslie; Har=
kness, Cynthia; Hendry, Brent; Henry, Joseph; Higgason, Kelly; Hitchcock, D=
orie; Hodge, Jeffrey T.; Hrabik, Joe; Johnston, Greg; Jones, Karen E.; Kavi=
eff, Pam; Keller, James; Keohane, Peter; Keyser, Marty; Koehler, Anne C.; K=
raske, Paul; Krenz, William; Lee, Matthias; Leite, Francisco Pinto; Lindema=
n, Cheryl; Lundstrom, Bruce; Lyons, Dan; Mann, Kay; Marsh, Jonathan; Martin=
ez, Vicky; Maynard, Michelle; McBride, Jane; McCarrel, Steven; McCullough, =
Travis; Mellencamp, Lisa; Mendoza, Miguel; Merten, Eric; Minns, David; Moor=
e, Janet H.; Murphy, Harlan; Murray, Julia; Nelson, Bonnie; Nelson, Cheryl;=
Nemec, Gerald; Nettelton, Marcus; Nissan, Limor; Novak, John; Pais, Randy;=
Pena, Laura R.; Portz, David; Powell, Mark; Ralston, Andrew; Rapp, Bill; R=
asmussen, Dale; Rivera, Coralina; Robison, Michael A.; Rogers, Daniel R.; R=
oland, David; Rossi, Robbi; Sager, Elizabeth; Sanders, Richard B.; Sayre, F=
rank; Schuler, Lance (Legal); Schwartzenburg, John; Shackleton, Sara; Sharp=
, Vicki; Simmons, Linda J.; Sinclair, Sarah; Sole III, Carlos; St. Clair, C=
arol; Stoler, Lou; Taylor, Mark E (Legal); Tweed, Sheila; Van Hooser, Steve=
; Viverito, John; Watanabe, Luiz; Williams, Robert C.; Wood, Janet; Wu, And=
rew; Yoder, Christian

The Enron Wholesale Services Legal Conference will be held at The Woodlands=
Resort & Conference Center on October 11-12, 2001.

Attached is a PowerPoint file containing the reply form for this event.
There are two options for completing this form: =20
First Option
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Fax reply to (713) 646-5800

Second Option
Open file
Enter information directly onto the page by using text boxes
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E-mail reply to dorie.hitchcock@enron.com

Please note that each box should be completed in its entirety.

Reply forms should be sent to Dorie Hitchcock no later than Friday, Septemb=
er 21.
Thank you for your assistance.


Dorie Hitchcock
Event Manager
1400 Smith Street
Suite 3640a
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: (713) 853-6978
Fax: (713) 646-5800
Cell: (713) 594-7093
E-Mail: dorie.hitchcock@enron.com