Enron Mail

Subject:FW: OSHA JENKS - Discrimination Case #6-3550-01-011
Date:Fri, 24 Aug 2001 15:51:54 -0700 (PDT)

FYI. I've left him a message that it is "no problem" in this instance. But, I know that you were interested in having it reviewed before it went out, so I wanted to let you know what was happening. MHC

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank.Garrard@nepco.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Frank+2EGarrard+40nepco+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 3:44 PM
To: Cash, Michelle
Subject: RE: OSHA JENKS - Discrimination Case #6-3550-01-011

No problem with the review process however it is worth noting that attempts
were made to contact you however you were out of the office for a few days.
Taking the next step, I tried to contact Dave Lund and or Dave Hattery and
they too were out. In needing to get the response out I did not have the
luxury of waiting for everybody to return. Thus, I went a head and sent it
out as we have historically.

Thank you for your time, assistance and input on this case.

Frank Garrard

-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle.Cash@enron.com [mailto:Michelle.Cash@enron.com]
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 1:00 PM
To: IMCEANOTES-Frank+2EGarrard+40nepco+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com
Subject: RE: OSHA JENKS - Discrimination Case #6-3550-01-011

Thanks, Frank, for the update. It sounds like this one will go away. If
you don't mind, in the future, I would appreciate the opportunity to review
the response before it goes to OSHA. Thanks a lot. Have a good weekend.

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank.Garrard@nepco.com@ENRON


Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 11:20 AM
To: Cash, Michelle
Cc: Lund, David
Subject: OSHA JENKS - Discrimination Case #6-3550-01-011

This is to advise of the action taken by NEPCO and the current status
of the claim mentioned in the subject line of this e-mail. In
maintaining contact with the OSHA Investigator on this case, I've had
several amiable conversations regarding She's status and stance in the
matter. As you know, by virtue of my initial call to the Investigator
(Randall L. Ounce) NEPCO satisfied the first requirement of the 15 day
response window. I advised him during that call that NEPCO was in the
discovery phase whereby documentation was being collected to support
NEPCO's position. He admitted to not yet having dialogue with the
claimant and therefore took no exception to our needing more time. He
in fact added one additional week to the two weeks I had requested. He
felt it may take this long for him to review the allegations and contact
the claimant. In a subsequent conversation a week later, I advised him
of the fact that information was still coming in about the case.
Again, he stated he was unable to contact the claimant despite numerous
calls to the claimants home. On August 15, 2001 I completed NEPCO's
formal response to Mr. Koonce's which was mailed the same day
certified-return receipt. I called Mr. Ounce to advise him that our
response had been mailed. Once more he said that he had been unable to
contact the claimant. She's plan is to send written notification to
the claimant with a set number of days in which the claimant must
respond. In the event claimant doesn't, OSHA will close the case. At
this time, Mr. Ounce does not have a strong feeling the claimant will
respond. Additionally, after discussion of the supporting documents,
timelines and the lack of response by the claimant, Mr. Ounce admitted
to believing this to be a classic case of employee disgruntlement. My
feeling is that the case will be closed by OSHA with no further action.
So that you may enter it into your file, I will mail you a hard copy of
NEPCO's formalized response.

Frank Garrard
Manager, EH&S
(425) 415-3033 (Direct)
(425) 415-3000 (Main)

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