Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: Book Club - come and get'em
Date:Tue, 13 Nov 2001 06:42:56 -0800 (PST)

T. Would you please send runner to get this? Thanks mhc
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

-----Original Message-----
From: Patel, Tania <Tania.Patel@ENRON.com<
To: Berry, Lara <Lara.Marie.Berry@ENRON.com<; Booth, Khymberly <Khymberly.B=
ooth@ENRON.com<; Broadfoot, Mark <Mark.Broadfoot@ENRON.com<; Buckley, Karen=
<Karen.Buckley@ENRON.com<; Butcher, Sharon <Sharon.Butcher@ENRON.com<; Cas=
h, Michelle <Michelle.Cash@ENRON.com<; Clyatt, Julie <Julie.Clyatt@ENRON.co=
m<; Cronin, Jennifer <Jennifer.Cronin@ENRON.com<; Davis, Sarah A. <Sarah.A.=
Davis@ENRON.com<; Divelbiss, Sasha <Sasha.Divelbiss@ENRON.com<; Duncan, Jos=
h <Joshua.Duncan@ENRON.com<; Engler, Adrianne <adrianne.engler@ENRON.com<; =
Fincher, Wendy <Wendy_Fincher@ENRON.net<; Foster, David <David.Foster@ENRON=
.com<; Gonzalez, Cynthia <Cynthia.Gonzalez@ENRON.com<; Hargrave, Michelle <=
Michelle.Hargrave@ENRON.com<; Joyner, Tamera <Tamera.Joyner@ENRON.com<; Ker=
r, Vanessa <Vanessa.Kerr@ENRON.com<; Klicker, Karl <Karl.Klicker@ENRON.com<=
; Labbe, Anne <Anne.Labbe@ENRON.com<; Lane, Jonathan <Jonathan.Lane@ENRON.c=
om<; Lewis, Simone <Simone.Lewis@ENRON.com<; Lorenz, Michael <michael.loren=
z@ENRON.com<; McGarr, Rebecca <Rebecca.McGarr@ENRON.com<; McLoughlin, Hecto=
r <Hector.McLoughlin@ENRON.com<; Melodick, Kim <Kim.Melodick@ENRON.com<; O'=
rourke, Tim <Tim.O'Rourke@ENRON.com<; Oxley, David <David.Oxley@ENRON.com<;=
Palmer, Lizzette <Lizzette.Palmer@ENRON.com<; Peng, Terry <Terry.Peng@ENRO=
N.com<; Quintana, Becky <Becky.Quintana@ENRON.com<; Russi, Estalee <Estalee=
.Russi@ENRON.com<; Slone, Jeanie <Jeanie.Slone@ENRON.com<; Solis, Felicia <=
Felicia_Solis@ENRON.net<; Sprock, Angela <Angela.Sprock@ENRON.com<; Sulliva=
n, Kriste <Kriste.Sullivan@ENRON.com<; Tessandori, Bobbi <Bobbi.Tessandori@=
ENRON.com<; Wilbeck, Tom <Tom.Wilbeck@ENRON.com<; Worrell, Perrin <Perrin.W=
orrell@ENRON.com<; Yeverino, Norma <Norma.Yeverino@ENRON.com<; Zarkowsky, S=
arah <Sarah.Zarkowsky@ENRON.com<; Brown, Cole <MeCole.Brown@ENRON.com<; Jon=
es, Robert W.- HR Exec <robert.w.jones@enron.com<; Curless, Amanda <Amanda.=
Sent: Tue Nov 13 08:34:14 2001
Subject: Book Club - come and get'em

OK - The books have arrived and I have ordered a limited amount.
Please come by my desk - 1669A to pick these up.
I would drop them off, but it is a long story!!
See you all soon and happy reading!!
(You may send someone else to pick up your book)
Tania Patel
HR Analyst
Enron Executive Compensation=20