Enron Mail

Subject:RE: My Redeployment Experience
Date:Tue, 28 Aug 2001 13:08:39 -0700 (PDT)

Valeria. Thanks for handling this one. Please keekp me posted. Michelle

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hope, Valeria A. =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, August 28, 2001 2:51 PM
To:=09Cash, Michelle; Oxley, David; Davis, Sarah A.; Olson, Cindy
Subject:=09FW: My Redeployment Experience

Cathy Bates contacted me earlier today and asked that I look into her conce=
rns. I am in the process of investigating this matter and will contact you=
back with my findings. According to Fran Mayes, there were other issues i=
nvolved in the decision to end Ms. Bates' employment.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09"cathy bates" <cbates@houston.rr.com<@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22=
Sent:=09Tuesday, August 28, 2001 2:44 PM
To:=09Lay, Kenneth
Cc:=09Davis, Sarah A.; Hope, Valeria A.; Olson, Cindy; Oxley, David
Subject:=09My Redeployment Experience

Mr. Lay:
After attending the All Employee Meeting at The Hyatt on Thursday, Aug=
ust 16th during the Q&A period, someone sent the comment stating "Redeploy=
ment is a Joke". You commented and stated that if anyone had any questions=
or concerns regarding this matter to shoot a e-mail to you, and you would=
respond . After that statement regarding redeployment, I felt compelled=
to do just what you said-- send a message about my redeployment experienc=
e. I am doing this for two reasons: 1) to prevent what has happened to me=
(from the HR representatives side of redeployment) from happening to any =
other Enron employee whether redeployment or any other experience with Enr=
on's HR reps and, 2) to let you know the redeployment process at Enron is=
effective and efficient and two of the MAIN values of Enron must be exal=
ted higher. Those values are Communication and Respect.
I received redeployment from Enron Broadband Services- Investment grou=
p on Monday, June 18th, 2001. Sheila Walton, a HR rep spoke to me regardi=
ng what the process would entail. During this meeting, Sheila mentioned t=
he redeployment process to me, but discussed and stressed to me more, my o=
ptions when I departed the company, rather than my options to locate anoth=
er position with the company, not at all promoting the advantage of redep=
loyment and its many success stories. With no directions from Sheila Walt=
on, I took it upon myself to contact Joyce Barrett in the redeployment grou=
p for advice and guidance. I met Joyce through a info-luncheon hosted for=
EBS assistants and the DoubleTree to give information about redeployment =
and how the process works and it's successes. Because of a lack of Commu=
nication, to the redeployment department, after a week I did not have any =
information about me going into redeployment, so at the end of the week, I=
had no location for a redeployment desk and I was leaving my department a=
t the end of the week of June 18-22. =20
Due to this lack of communication, I had to take off Monday & Tuesday =
June 25th, 26th, to have my desk churned and locate a space for me for 45 =
days. Joyce Barrett contacted me with a location and more information reg=
arding my redeployment process. Located in 3 Allen Center, I set-up my se=
arch for a "new" job at Enron, and my goal was to do my best to find a job=
within Enron because that was a opportunity that I felt I owed myself and=
Enron as a whole, by becoming Enron proud and believing in the visions a=
nd values. I met with Marie Jensen of Spearion to review my resume and sh=
arpen my interview tactics. Joyce Barrett, Michele Hargrave and Brinella =
Knight were in contact with me to find out how my job search was going and=
lending support in any way. I had many interviews with companies outsid=
e and within Enron. An experience to meet new and interesting people and =
a opportunity that I feel I would have not been able to have without redep=
loyment, so I have no regrets about being redeployment. I must tell you =
that I was afraid, because a lot about this process, I was unsure of and m=
y HR rep did nothing to assure me or inform me that this transition is on=
e that can be rewarding, as well as a strong challenge.
With Enron's values system, Respect, Integrity, Communication and Exce=
llence in place and strongly promoted by you and Jeff Skilling (before hi=
s departure), I want to stress to you that my experience with the HR side =
of redeployment, has NOT carried out the value system that Enron promotes =
and I'm sure whoever sent the comment about redeployment in that meeting =
had every meaning of HR person representing Enron in such a way that "a jo=
ke" is a kind way of putting it. No one should be treated this way. On J=
uly 31, 2001, I took a temporary position in the Associate & Analyst Prog=
ram headed by Billy Lemmons and Traci Warner working with Jeff Davis, John=
Walt and Cathy Lira as well as supporting the group as a whole. I worked=
in this department until August 21, 2001. I received a message from Shi=
rley Cox, Sheila Walton's assistant inquiring whether or not I had a posi=
tion within Enron. I called Shirley back and gave her information about t=
he temporary assignment I had taken in the Associate & Analysts Program. O=
n August 14th, a call was made by Sheila Walton to a Sr. Admin in the Ass=
ociate & Analyst Program, inquiring whether I was working this department.=
The admin passed the information to Jeff Davis and he contacted Sheila W=
alton as to where I was working and how long I had been working in the dep=
artment. With a remorseful sounding voice, Sheila proceeded to inquiry to=
Jeff more details, to which Jeff provided her. I had overtime hours that=
I tried to put into the system, but I was unable to get into the time sys=
tem. After the conversation with Jeff Davis and Sheila Walton, I find o=
ut Sheila had started the process to delete me from the system, before my=
original end date of August 15th. I accepted a permanent position with =
Enron Networks as a Admin Assistant II on August 14, 2001 reporting to Sam=
Leuschen. I started that position on August 22, 2001. On August 24, 2001=
, after 2 days of employment was terminated from the position and Enron du=
e to Business Reorganization in Enron Networks. =20
I am very concerned about the way this matter was handled and the seri=
es of events that surrounded this action. As a result, I would like to d=
iscuss with you and or someone in the responsible capacity and go into fur=
ther detail. I have received a form letter stating that Enron can termina=
te my employment at will, at any time and for any reason. I feel this act=
ion has been provoked for other reasons.=20
In ending this message to you, Mr. Lay, you must know that redeployme=
nt at Enron is a effective tool that should remain in place. You should a=
lso know and commend those persons who work in and closely with the redepl=
oyment group. Enough good things cannot not be said about those people wh=
o go out of their way to get you the help, the encouragement, the tools yo=
u need while facing this process. I realize that a business decision was=
made, and EBS downfall was a business decision, but this matter is not a =
business one. When redeployment takes place, the human side of you feel s=
omewhat lost, hurt and you take it personally,although I realize it was a =
business decision. This occurrence was targeted and directed at me person=
ally by Sheila Walton. Human resources should work with the human being to=
make you a better person through visions and values, not to be treated in=
humanely. Whether they are Enron's values or values in general, HR repres=
entatives should portray what human beings should have most of all...VALUE=
S, and when there is no communication, no respect, no integrity, "the jok=
e" begins and excellence is lost..
I look forward to hearing from you or someone in your office soon. I=
can be contacted at the numbers listed below at any time. Thank you in =
advance for the opportunity to discuss this matter.
Cathy Bates
(713) 524-2530 home
(832) 372-6602 cellcbates@houston.rr.com << File: mailto:cbates@houston.rr.=
com << << File: mailto:0@hotmail.com << =20